High-Risk Pregnancy

Cystic Hygroma

I'm just 13 weeks and am struggling with the news that my baby has a cystic hygroma on her neck. I also had a CVS test done and found out that she has Moasic Turner's Syndrome. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with either of these?

Re: Cystic Hygroma

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    One of my good friends is pregnant (she is around 20 weeks now) and they found out around 12 weeks that her LO has a cystic hygroma-- they opted out of alot of the testing and have chosen to just see how things go, they met with a genetic counselor briefly but still havent decided if they want to get any testing done

    She has just had a few more ultrasounds than what is "normal" and she is under the care of a high risk maternal fetal medicine dr now but so far things are going well and the baby hasnt shown any signs of difficulty--I will try and keep you updated about how her pregnancy progresses

    Did the dr's give you any more details about the measurements of the hygroma?

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    Thank you so much for posting. The hyrgroma is measuring around 15mm as of now. I would love for you to keep me updated. I haven't had very much luck finding women with my similar situation.
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    Hi -I just had the first trimester screen yesterday (11 w 1 d) and found out that our LO has a cystic hygroma on the neck and the NF measured 4.2 (not sure about the size of the hygroma).  I have an appointment for a CVS on Tuesday.  The research I have done about the hygroma is scary, but my doctor has so far explained that it's a marker for down's syndrome.  I guess I'll know more after our test.  Please keep me updated on your situation...this is all new to me and I don't know anyone who has been through this before!
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    My doctors told me the same thing about Down's but I had the CVS test done and the results came back that my baby had Moasic Turner's Syndrome. After that it has just been a waiting game for us. I am currently going to my Dr. every two weeks for an US to measure the size of the hygroma. As of last Monday it was 15 mm. I haven't found alot of information on how the size effects the outcome but I will keep you updated on anything I find out. There isn't alot of research out there for hygromas and what is out there isn't very reassuring but I have read several first hand stories that have had positive outcomes. Please let me know if I can help in any way.

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