Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Does have the best prices?

We haven't had to buy diapers yet but we are running out. The prices on look good, but have you found them to be better than somewhere like walmart? Thanks!
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Re: Does have the best prices?

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    i have found similar prices at walmart and higher prices at target. i'm a fan of because i have not been able to beat the price and i appreciate free overnight shipping to my doorstep.
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    They seem to be the cheapest so far, at least locally for me. Plus I don't always have access to a car, to the delivery is convenient!

    I actually placed an order with them yesterday!

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    I would say overall no.  I've actually found BRU, in the long run, to be a better deal.  Sign up for the reward program.  For every 9 boxes of diapers you buy, you get a 10th free.  They always have $5 off coupons in their flyers plus you can use manufacturers coupons on top of it;  sometimes they have a buy 2 boxes get a gift card deal--I just use the gc towards my next diaper purchase.  I figured it out once and I was pay $35/box at BRU when all the couponsand gcs were taken into account.  I just switched to the BRU diapers for DD--she's 21 mos old/not sure I'll be doing it w/the newborn---they are great and when on sale they are 2 boxes for $35

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    I was unaware of the BRU reward program.  Unfortunately there isn't a BRU within an hour of here so I guess is the best bet.
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