High-Risk Pregnancy

Bed rest has made me feel so ugly lately! just need to vent.

I have felt very down lately. I know I shouldn't be worrying about my looks but as a women I don't think there is no one out there that likes to feel ugly or unpretty. Prior to PG and during my 1st tri and part of my 2nd I would go and spoil my self with a facial, mani and pedi and try to look my best especially since I was PG with my 1st LO. I wanted to have the PG glow and I did! Since I was put on bed rest a month ago I can't do any of the spoiling I was use too :( I avoid mirrors lately. My hubby has been great he gives me nice compliments and tells me what a great mom I am for taking good care of our lil boy and doing the best to keep him in the oven. Its just has been really hard PG. 1st we where hit financially late last year thanks to the wonderful recession. So for now we are living with my parents to get back on our feet, my dear grandma passed away this weekend and since she is out of the country I was able to see her for the last and that has really hurt me. Now going through such a delicate PG is so overwhelming. I always picture enjoying my PG but its been so opposite :( don't get me wrong every week that I go to the Dr and she tells me every thing is good and my lil man is doing good I thank God cause my lil guy is what gets me through all this at the end of the day! Thanks to who ever reads my post. I just having one of those night and needed to vent.

Re: Bed rest has made me feel so ugly lately! just need to vent.

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    I'm really sorry that you are going going through these emotions.  I don't know if this will help you, but I have been feeling the same way the past few days. I just cried a few hours ago because I felt fat and ugly. I think it's normal for any pregnant woman to feel that way anyway. It's just a bit harder, I think, if you are on bed rest and can't do those normal things.

    I hope you don't have too much longer to be on bedrest. I'm glad you have a husband to support you!

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    I totally understand! I feel the same way and since I'm on partial bed rest I do try to shower and brush my teeth etc every day before my husband gets home but it's just not the same. I told him yesterday that I can't wait to feel sexy again and be intimate with him lol. Some days I put makeup on just to lay on the couch but it helps a little. And every week for my doctor's appointment I try to wear something cute just to boost my spirits.

    One thing that has helped me though is when ever my mom comes to visit she'll paint my toe nails or fingernails for me and that makes me feel a little more like a normal person. And sometimes just putting on clean pj's helps a little too. But bed rest is an emotional roller coaster and some days I cry all day and other days it's not so bad. How long have you been on bed rest and how much longer do you have? I've been on BR for 3 weeks and I have about 3 more to go. Hang in there, for your little man. It'll all be worth it in the end!

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    (((hugs))) Bedrest is really hard--its things like this that people dont think about--people assume its just laying around, "relaxing" all the time...uhmm not so much! It stinks! I dont know all of your restrictions but I am on strict hospital bedrest and I'm allowed to still get up and shower once a day--so I do! I shower, shave my legs, etc. then go lay back down--in bed I will put lotion on, moisturizer, keep up on my eyebrows, put on some makeup, blow dry and straighten my hair, get fresh clean pj's on, and give myself a manicure! It definitely helps boost my spirits--I know you said money is kinda tight--could you have DH get you some new pj's? I know I feel better too when I am wearing something at least remotely cute and matching (he may be able to find some good deals since winter is almost over)

    As for feeling close and intimate w/ your husband--I know how incredibly hard that can be--trust me, Ive been in the hospital going on 8 weeks now and I miss being able to just cuddle w/ my DH like a normal couple but we have done massage, attempting to cuddle and really talking--ALOT, it has helped maintain some closeness and makes us both even more excited for our LO to come! Hang in there--you can do it mama!

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    Good Morning, I have been on bed rest for 6 wks now. I was placed on bed rest at 22 wks after having an emergency cerclage. I was dilated 2 cm and had a bulging bag. I am happy to say today I am 28 wks. I was in the hospital for 3 wks and now I am home on I guess on moderate bed rest. I am able to take showers every day and use the bathroom, I can get up and get snacks or fix me a quick lunch that's pretty much it. Dr wants to keep me on BR at least till I am 33-35 wks but if I could go till 37 wks that would be even better. Today I feel good I have Dr appt and I am going to where some thing cute and put on some make up! Today is a good day! Thank you ladies for your kind words and support. I really appreciated and it made me feel better :)
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