High-Risk Pregnancy

GD baby question

I was just wondering once you are diagnosed with GD, how do they watch baby's growth?  Is it just the fundal (sp??) size and kick counts?

I'm a big girl and worry about the belly measurements giving me any indication of how big my baby really is.  Plus DH and I both come from big stock, so I was worried about having a huge baby even without the GD diagnosis...

Just curious I guess if they do any other ultrasounds or anything that usually they wouldn't do.  I know there must be a difference from doctor to doctor and different insurances, and will ask my practitioner, but curious if there is any trend.


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Re: GD baby question

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    I just had a growth U/S yesterday and my doctor is supposed to get results in a few days. I figure unless anything major is up I won't hear about it until my next OB appointment next Friday.

    I too was a bigger person to start with but on U/S certain parts of baby have been consistently measuring "ahead" since I had the anatomy scan back in November and those are measurements they take via the U/S not just the measuring tape on the belly thing.

    As long as I don't go on insulin as far as I was told I won't be having to do NST's but many practices do have you do them with GD. So as the weeks progress I will find out more.

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    They're sending me for a growth ultrasound in 2 weeks.  I don't know if I'll get anything else after that.  They're worried about size but it's hard to imagine that my baby's large since I've gained hardly any weight (lost 5, gained 3 so far) but it's better to check...plus, I can't wait to get another glimpse of LO.  :-)
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    My OB has done monthly growth scans since I was first measuring large - I actually passed my initial 3 hour, but after the results of the first growth scan at 28 weeks, they made me repeat it.  I had one at 32 (and our last one was at 36), as well as starting the NST's - my doc does them just based on GD alone, I was having them when I was still just diet controlled, so every doc is different.
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    i have growth u/s regularly plus nst starting in 2 wks that will be weekly.  fundal height is so useless no matter what YOUR size, imo.  i get really BIG fast early with both pg 1 and 2 and i am a very small framed person.  baby always measured normal and dd was only 6lb9oz at birth (didn't have gd but always measured ahead).  just sayin :)

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    I have been getting ultrasounds every 4 weeks since about 16 weeks, first for lower amniotic fluid and now for GD.
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    I have my first growth u/s /biophysical at 35 weeks and then every week after until LO is born.  My DD was 8lb14oz without a GD diagnosis so I'm not really worried about big baby yet.  If they predict 9 1/2 pounds at full term, that's what I was figuring anyway LOL.  But if they predict 11 pounds at full term I'll start worrying :)
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    Thanks Ladies!

    Sounds like u/s are pretty normal with a GD diagnosis.  I'll be curious to see how they handle me since I was diagnosed so early.  We had our "big" u/s on Monday and couldn't get a lot of measurements (little bugger was all balled up and in the totally wrong position to see a bunch of stuff- including gender!) so I go back next week.  I was starting to think that would be the last time, but maybe not!

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    my OB isn't doing anything out of the ordinary because of the GD.  He said he *might* do an NST at 38 weeks, but that's it.  No extra ultrasounds or anything.
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