
better late than never (intro)

Hi ladies!

I'm officially coming out of the lurking closet :)  I reply to posts occasionally, as you can tell by my sad number of posts, but have learned so much from this board since I found out I was pregnant with my twins.  They are almost one now!!!  I feel like I finally have the time to contribute more to this board, and will try to post/reply more often.  Just wish I could reply from my iPhone!!

My brief story:  Our twins are #3 and #4 for us -- our older daughters were only 20 months and barely 3 years old when the babies were born.  It's been a busy year, to say the least :)  But, for all of you have twins plus one or more, I just wanted to say it gets easier and so much more rewarding as they get older!

Our twins were born at 38 weeks exactly, at 6 pounds, 11 ounces and 6 pounds even.  I had a vaginal delivery with a breech extraction for baby B, and things could not have gone smoother.  They were good latchers from the start.  I was lucky that they caught on to nursing right away and have been almost exclusively nursing for almost a year, even with my two toddlers underfoot.  I just wanted to pass along that info for anybody wondering (like I did!!) if it was possible to BF twins with other kids in the picture.  It's been hard, and I know it's not possible or desirable to many, but it did work for me. 

I look forward to getting to know you all better!



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Mom to Megan(5), Bridget(4), Tessa and Annie (2) and Mary (brand new)

Re: better late than never (intro)

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