High-Risk Pregnancy


hi there! I noticed that you said you were put on mod-bedress at 20 weeks for a short cervix. Do you remember was it was measuring? Im at 15mm and inching close to 20 weeks!

Re: srh08.05.06

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    Hi - sorry, just saw this post now!  I was at 2.4cm at 20 weeks.  My doctor had me all worried that I wouldn't make it very far.  But over 10 weeks later, I'm still at the same length and have been a fingertip dilated the whole time.  I really believe bed rest can help (and I'm only on modified bed rest)!  Sorry to hear you've been diagnosed with a short cervix so early, but hopefully if you take it easy, you can make it the full time. 
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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