High-Risk Pregnancy

There are certain things that shouldn't be eaten @ 10:45 am

And whatever my co-worker is eating right now is one of those things.  Apparently she is having lunch.  A very stinky lunch that is about to make me hurl. lol.

It's crazy how sensitive the nose can be while pregnant!


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Re: There are certain things that shouldn't be eaten @ 10:45 am

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    ick! I've been feeling more and more lately like I'm back in the 1st tri, with my food aversions and gagging...
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    I gotcha on that.  Imagine working at a school with a cafeteria, yuck!

    On a different note, I love your new picture! :)

    Thanks.  I look huge. LOL.

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    I gotcha on that.  Imagine working at a school with a cafeteria, yuck!

    On a different note, I love your new picture! :)

    Thanks.  I look huge. LOL.

    Nope, adorably pregnant! :)

    Awww, thanks!  Embarrassed

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