

Hey stranger! How are you? Ethan is adorable!!! How's life woith two, how's M handling it all?


  • Oh, I'm around but i suck at 1 hand typing ... so nobody better talk shiton me b/c I'll know. :)

    Life with 2 gets better everyday. M loves her brother but it will be nice when he can interact with her more or at least defend himself. lol  She smothers him with affection and I don't use the term smother lightly - poor guy. :)

    So anyway, i'm good. I have to go back to work in 6 weeks and it depresses me so much I just try not to think about it. how are you (besides the crapass start to your day)?

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • awww she must be such a happy big sister!

    ugh going back totally sucks, i'm sorry!

    We're doing ok, other than my crap day :)

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