hi everyone
i had a doctor's appt yesterday and we went over my u/s from a couple days ago. the little ones are doing well. all their organs are developing correctly and they're both measuring at 7oz (a couple days ahead of schedule). The only concern he kind of had was that baby A's amniotic sac was slightly larger than baby B, even though baby B had a "normal size sac." I'm going to see a radiologist in 2 weeks to have to checked out more. the doctor told me not to worry about b/c the result was subjective (from the technician that took the measurements).
has anyone had this happen to them? should i be worried or should i go on vacation thursday and enjoy myself? it's just so hard NOT to worry.
Re: amniotic fluid imbalance
Absolutely. You'll find that a lot with two in there! If I remember correctly, they did fluid checks every 4 weeks until I was about 28 weeks, then every 2 weeks. So good thing, you get to see the LOs a lot!
There are just so many extra things to worry about with multiples that they try to be really careful (at least if they're good docs they do!).
They kept telling me that the fluid measurement is so subjective that it's hard to ensure that it's accurate. It depends on how the babies are laying when they do them, how much you're drinking, etc. Oh, that's another thing. Really up your fluid intake. I started drinking a lot more water after they told me Eli's fluid was low and that helped.
Hang in there! Good luck!