
FYI: Kicking coaster

I snagged one at buy buy baby with a coupon- it was $40.

Olivia got in it and really seemed to like it. We had to pad the bottom of it (little shorty needed help reaching the kick part) but she seemed pleased.

It was waaaay cheaper than anywhere else too.

Re: FYI: Kicking coaster

  • Very cool! That and the nap nanny are the 2 things I always think "if I had another baby, I would totally buy that!". I know Marino would have loved it.
  • imageSBMBride406:
    Very cool! That and the nap nanny are the 2 things I always think "if I had another baby, I would totally buy that!". I know Marino would have loved it.

    I totally do that too.

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