I threw this name around with my husband. It is a family name as well. My DH does not like Jack. He liked Jackson but was afraid that people would shorten it to Jack. I like it though. I was thinking Jackson Scott or Jackson Reid.
A lot of years and a million tears finally led me to you.
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v705/arriinthere/PJ/?action=view
I love Jack, but not Jackson. However, the popularity is overwhelming. Everywhere I go, I hear a mom calling out for Jack or Jackson. Jack is a great name, but just be ready for him to be one of five in his class.
A good reference to how popular a name is in your area is to use the social security baby names website. You can look it up by state to see how popular it is in your state. I love the name, BTW, but it is pretty popular around these parts!
Married 5/31/08 * TTC#1 9/09 - 2/11 after anovulatory diagnosis and TTC for 1 1/2yrs with several medicated cycles and one chemical pregnancy, we have our first bundle of joy!
#2 EDD 2/5/13 dx with anti-BIG E antibody, seeing a MFM
I don't take one single minute for granted.
I like it but it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo popular right now. Jack is a great NN.
Wow, I didn't even realize! I only know two Jacksons right now; one is a newborn and the other is around 10 YO.
I think it just really depends on your area. I don't know a single boy named Jackson and I worked even worked in a daycare recently. Now if it was really popular in our area that would be different, but I'm not going to veto the name just because it's popular in other parts of the country. Another interesting thing I've noticed is there are some names that are really popular on here that I don't hear/see IRL.
I like it. My SIL's neighbor just named her son Jaxon (pronounced Jackson) and he will be called Jax for short. I'm not sure if I like it, but it's a twist on the traditional spelling.
I have two Jacksons on my streets and one who's mother works in my office. While I like Jack, I would be more likely to use Jack as a full name ... Jackson is becoming overused where I live.
"Jack Parker Louis" for example, or go a bit old fashioned and use "John Carter Louis" and Jack as a nickname.
Thanks for the input, ladies. This isn't our top boy name, but it was one that both DH and I liked. If it's really this trendy though, we'll probably stay away from it.
Re: Your thoughts on Jackson
Exactly this.
Wow, I didn't even realize! I only know two Jacksons right now; one is a newborn and the other is around 10 YO.
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v705/arriinthere/PJ/?action=view
it is a very popular name. but after i saw steel magnolias a million years ago, that is what i decided i'd name my son.
So, DS is Jackson Tyler. We call him Jax as a NN. I do like Jack too tho.
pic by http://www.southernportraitanddesign.com/
after anovulatory diagnosis and TTC for 1 1/2yrs with several medicated cycles and one chemical pregnancy, we have our first bundle of joy!
#2 EDD 2/5/13 dx with anti-BIG E antibody, seeing a MFM
I don't take one single minute for granted.
this exactly! it is a great name though!
I think it just really depends on your area. I don't know a single boy named Jackson and I worked even worked in a daycare recently. Now if it was really popular in our area that would be different, but I'm not going to veto the name just because it's popular in other parts of the country. Another interesting thing I've noticed is there are some names that are really popular on here that I don't hear/see IRL.
I have two Jacksons on my streets and one who's mother works in my office. While I like Jack, I would be more likely to use Jack as a full name ... Jackson is becoming overused where I live.
"Jack Parker Louis" for example, or go a bit old fashioned and use "John Carter Louis" and Jack as a nickname.
Your kid will be one of four Jacksons and Jacks in his class. Also, I just don't like surnames for children.
It's not as bad as the spelling "Jaxon" though. God, that's awful.
OMG, just like Mortal Kombat!
Seriously, why?!