We moved DD into a Nautilus last week and made a big deal about her moving to her "big girl seat." (We made it seem like a big move up because we didn't want any jealousy over giving the old carseat to her baby brother).
DD goes to preschool 3 days a week and each day when she hopped into the car afterward, she had questions and concerns that were raised to her by her girlfriends over the new seat. One day she got into the car and the first thing out of her mouth was , "Does the cup holder on my new seat go in and out or does it just stay out? Because Natalie's goes in and out and that's better." The next day it was, "Mom, Natalie and Olivia don't believe that the back comes off my new carseat when I'm really big. Will you tell them they're wrong?" And finally, on the third day, "Mom, we need to chat and I need to go first. You NEED to get another booster seat for when Natalie (see a pattern here?) drives with us to Disney on Ice because she's already a big girl and she's not going to want to use a baby seat."
(Little does DD know, I had planned to put Natalie in the Nautilus because she's bigger than my DD and put my DD back into the old convertible seat!)
I can't believe carseats have dominated my DD's conversations for 3 days in a row. And now that I type this out, I'm pretty sure Natalie is ALREADY a Nestie!
Re: My kid is in training to be a Nestie.