Two Under 2

Uh-oh jealous reaction to me holding another baby...

I was holding one of DD's friends at her party this weekend and as soon as she saw me, she screamed and basically pushed the other little girl out of my lap!  She also gets kind of jealous when we give our dog affection, especially me.

Yikes.  Hopefully she'll grow out of this by August...!

Re: Uh-oh jealous reaction to me holding another baby...

  • My DS was like that too when I held other babies. But he has never been like that with DS2. I dont know how, but it was like he knew the difference. Since the first day we brought DS2 home from the hospital he asks for him first thing when he wakes up every day. I have no idea how he knew he was there to stay from day 1...but he has been awesome! Hopefully your DD will be the same way!!
  • imageMr.&MrsS:
    My DS was like that too when I held other babies. But he has never been like that with DS2. I dont know how, but it was like he knew the difference. Since the first day we brought DS2 home from the hospital he asks for him first thing when he wakes up every day. I have no idea how he knew he was there to stay from day 1...but he has been awesome! Hopefully your DD will be the same way!!

    That is so sweet!  Yeah, I'm not worrying about it too much.  She'll figure it out and there's definitely enough love to go around in our house!  :)

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  • We got DD a baby doll for Christmas.. the first few times I held it she got mad and came over and threw baby and sat in my lap...

    Ut oh.

    I actually want to have some time with a newborn and her to see what happens.

    Good luck!


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