South Florida Babies


THAT is the kind of day I'm having!

I am up to my freakin eyeballs in quotes. I was due to pump at 12 and still haven't even looked at my pump. I haven't had lunch yet. I haven't gone to see Carley at daycare. And somehow it's only 2! I just want it to be 5 already Crying

Re: ngfdkgdhkg

  • Boooooo... But just think of all the yumminess that awaits you at home!! :)

    I have been swamped all day today too so I feel you, girl. A huge case is going to trial next month and everyone is in panic mode already.



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    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Same here!  I notice more and more each day how no one checks email.  I think I'm going to print out the email and deliver it in person!  On top of that, I feel like napping so badly and I have to continue packing when I get home. Although I get to leave at 3:30 or 4:00ish... I started at 7:30 a.m. =(

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  • I just looked at the clock and realized it is only 2pm.  :( 

    I'm the opposite of you ladies!  I don't have enough to keep me entertained.  I have stuff to do, but not really part of my job desc.  My real job I can't do b/c my boss won't give me the time of day!  We need to sit w/ the big bosses to make a decision, and I feel he's diddledaddling around it.

    -- Jackie
    "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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