South Florida Babies

How was everyone's weekend?

It was a gorgeous weekend, which flew by as usual. 

Friday night we went to the UM Baseball game.  Saturday, after pilates, I spent the early afternoon running errands, and then didn't leave my house the rest of the evening!  Sunday after breakfast at BIL's, I went to my little cousin's bday party, spent way too much at Target, and finally ended w/ mass and dinner at the inlaws.

Seriously, why is it that a simple trip to Target for an exchange I walk out with an overflowing cart?! 

-- Jackie
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: How was everyone's weekend?

  • Target is evil like that! I can never walk in and just buy what I came there for :P

    We had a fun weekend. Went to the dog park, playground with Jake and went to see DH NASCAR drive (I wussed out). We also booked our trip to Atlanta and Asheville for next month so I'm excited about that!
  • I had a BUSY weekend. On Saturday I spent most of my day at Rick Case wheeling and dealing and successfully haggled to get a killer deal on a 2010 Pilot. Gary would have been so proud of me doing it all by myself, while also not getting taken advantage of!

    Yesterday we went to a birthday party and then my brother went with me to Carmax to appraise Gary's car, my old car will be appraised in a few days. I seriously could have used another day off to recover from my super busy weekend.

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  • Target has good stuff :)

    My weekend, well DH is sick and the baby is getting over an ear infection but I did get my 3 mile walk in with the baby and the dog (all by myself...yes I am brave).

    Other than that we relaxed and did errands. 

  • why is it the the weekend always flies by while the weekdays drag?!?

    We had a good weekend. Nothing really that exciting except for a party we went to Saturday night. Oh and we also ended up at Target yesterday and bought way more that what we had planned on getting there.

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  • Our weekend was pretty low key.  Friday, we bought the interior paint for the house and had dinner with my parents.  Saturday, DH started cleaning up around the house since the previous owners left some stuff all over the yard. We looked at tile and also took the dogs to the new house so they could get acquainted.  I think they're going to love going from a 1/1 condo to a house with a yard and canal to bark at the ducks, lol.  We also had dinner with my parents.  Sunday, we showed MIL the new house, the handyman started breaking all the tile, went to Target, AND ate at my parents' house. 

    I see my weekends will now revolve around the house and my parents, lol.

  • Oh, and I packed about 7 boxes.  I really thought I could fit more in there, but so far it was just books, DVDs, CDs, and the dogs' stuff.  I zonked out after that!
  • Our weekend was good. My DH was invited to be in a softball tournament this weekend up in Orlando, so we went up there Friday morning and came back on Sunday. It was a nice time. We went to Downtown Disney and my DS was a little party animal. They have a guy performing on stage and they do the decade of music or whatever it's called where they play music from different years and do the dance. Well my DS was dancing to all the songs and next thing we know we had a huge crowd around us watching him. They thought he was the cutest thing ever. Of course he loved the attention. So it was a pretty fun weekend.

    I thought I was the only one that had a hard time going into Target without getting more than I need to. Especially with those $1 bins. I always have to get

  • Our weekend was great!  We saw friends that were in from out of town.  Ran into neighbors at the park and had a great time playing.  Enjoying swimming and dinner at the IL's yesterday.  And I got to see my sorority sister's new house last night on extreme makeover home edition - I've so been looking forward to watching that episode.
    imageLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • My weekend was pretty good. On Friday DH and I went to dinner. Saturday we saw Shutter Island then went out to celebrate a friends birthday. Sunday we relaxed during the day then went out to a family dinner.
  • This weekend flew by forf us, as usual! Friday the three of us stayed in bed alllll day, since none of us were feeling well. Dd has bronchial croup, dh has a cold, and I have svere alergies I think. Saturday and Sunday I served at church, and though I was feeling under the weather, it was a great time! Dd and dh stayed in bed all those days as well lol they were both really well rested, so yesterday when I got home at four in the afternoon, dh had planned a dinner out for us and it was nice to get home and nap for a bit, before enjoying a meal, that I didn't have to cook or even plan for... Btw Jackie, I can NEVER leave Target without spending at least $100, in absolutely no time at all! It is the best and the worste!
  • I went to Target on Saturday and spent more money than I should have! It was a great weekend, tho. Spent time with my family....and then had a bday party on Sunday with some great friends. DH stayed home all weekend and fixed an exhaust pipe from the dryer. My job was to get Sophie out of the house and I did my job well!
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