Tonight is going to be my first night ever (well, since the NICU) away from Carter. I have been debating this night for quite some time now, as a book club I am a part of (but haven't attended since Carter was born) meets once a month in the town where I used to live, but still work. So rather than driving the 1 1/2 hours home after work today, I'm going to stay, go to book club, and crash at a friend's house (who has a 2 month old).
Of course, I think Carter is already mad at me about this....I went to bed at 11pm, and he woke me up at least once every. single. hour. for his pacifier - until I had to get up at 5am. I'm amazed I was able to drive the 1 1/2 hours TO work this morning.
Re: First night away...