so i think this is the first complaint i really have had (i try not too)....i am sooo exhausted from this pg. if i walk for 2 secs my tummy feels like its going to fall off...i wonder how much extra weight there is besides 10lb of baby? TOO MUCH! and idk what the deal is (whether sciatica or my bones 'relaxing' to get ready) but i cannot walk...the whole left side of my body is GONE :-(at least 1 1/2 more weeks! i can do this...i think.any suggestions to help? i am getting VERY close to saying i am ready for this to be over NOW! but i really know i need to keep it going...

Mommy to Markhas Aiden 10-4-06 Born at 29 weeks
& Spontaneous Twins, Mackayla Grace and Braylon Deion 3-12-10 Born at 36 weeks 1 day

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Re: any suggestions ladies? feeling a little down...
If this is your first complaint, you're a better woman than I am -- I've been complaining incessantly for months (just ask my husband)! I'm basically leaning/lying on my side 24/7 ... it's the only way I get any relief at all from the terrible chest pressure/tightness I've had since the end of November. And I know exactly what you mean about feeling like your whole front is going to fall right off. It's so painful.
Anyway, no words of wisdom ... just a note to say I'm right there with you!
My advice to you (if you're not on bedrest already) is take a day to yourself to just rest. And even if you're already on bedrest, treat yourself to something special because you are doing something phenomenal and it is hard work! (maybe a tasty treat, a new book, and/or a movie you absolutely love). I remember feeling this way even after I was on bedrest and thinking a couple of things that helped (warning: I'm an endless, sickening optimist).
Celebrate the fact that you were able to carry your babies long enough to be this uncomfortable.
Know that you will never ever take your mobility for granted again- something as simple as rolling over in bed feels amazing even now and my girls are 4 months old!