
Sleep ?

My boys are 9 mos. We did the ferber method and first time, not great. After a month of ear infections, we did again. Worked! Now one is waking up 1/2 hr -2hrs later crying so loud that I have to pick him up to avoid waking the other. He tends to burp when I pick him up. They have dinner about 5, bottle/bed 7. 

We only have 2 bedrooms.

Did you seperate yours? My MIL swears if i put him in the pack and play in our room til he learns "not to wake up" we will have success. However on any given night, the other could wake for what we assume is no reason.

This baby also doesn't nap well. He used to sleep 2 hrs for naps.


Re: Sleep ?

  • do you burp after the bottle, or is he asleep by the end of the bottle, and you're scared to wake him up by burping?  if so, burp him anyway... dh burps audrey while she's practically passed out. 

    so the crying is 30min - 2hrs after bedtime?  ours have been doing similar lately (it shocked me the first time it happened), then stopped for a week, then started again.  ours are teething, and starting to crawl, so i'm not sure what is causing these evening wake-ups.... pain or excitement.  but aside from a few times, we have let them put themselves back to sleep.  and really they haven't cried long at all.

    what if one wakes the other?  won't they both settle down in a few minutes?  while we nap in separate rooms b/c one is not such a good napper, for nighttime, we keep them together unless absolutely desperate.  we also only have 2 bedrooms.

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  • Mine are crawling trying to stand, maybe teething, nothing popping out but we've been thinking teeth for a while.

    He does fall asleep on the bottle, both do, but I still burp. Sometimes they settle, other times no. Right now one is napping and the other crying and kicking his crib.

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