I really want this glider. I was about to order it online since it
cannot be ordered in the store and realized that when they say "Free
Shipping" they really mean they will give you $25 off of shipping and
you have to pay the rest. So, the total for the glider and ottoman
would be $700. Do you think it is worth it?! I think i will really
like the chair, and i have researched other stores and this is the
cheapest even with the added cost.. but it just seems so expensive.
Help me out!
Re: Help me decide! Glider related...
There is no way I would pay $200 for shipping.
Do you have a BuyBuyBaby? I saw the identical chair there and you can order it in the store and not have to pay shipping.
have you tried overstock.com? they have super cheap shipping even on huge things.
i personally would never spend that much on a chair that will likely be puked on.... We got rocking recliners for both the boy's rooms for $50 each on craigslist in GREAT shape --- and it's so nice b/c I don't care when they get puked on by the babies, etc... and they are super comfy - which is very important b/c chances are you will need to sleep in the chair at some point. (sick babies, etc)
I wouldn't judge you harshly if you went for it, but I think you can find a better deal if you keep looking. I almost paid the same when I found exactly what I wanted, but I'm glad I kept looking and found a good enough alternative for a lot less (a wooden/cushioned rocker and ottoman rather than an upholstered recliner).
Ok, i just couldn't do it. I couldn't spend $200 on shipping. Insane! SO, i decided to get this one from walmart. I like that it can recline! It was $550 with Site to Store shipping.