Hi ladies, I posted this on high risk, but was hoping to get some more answers from those of you who already had your babies, so I hope you don't mind me posting this here...
I went to L&D last week right at 32 weeks for premature labor. Contractions were 3-5 min apart and I am 1 cm dialated and 80% effaced. I spent 2 days on mag, got the steriod shots, one more day in the hospital and was released to home on bedrest yesterday. Now I'm on Procardia 3 times a day. I have noticed that I'm having major hot flashes/sweating all the time, even though the temperature in the house is pretty cool. Does anyone know if this is a side effect of Procardia? I have a call in to the dr. but wanted to get some opinions here too. Also, was anyone else on Procardia and for how long? Dr. says I will probably be on it until 34 weeks. I read about the risk category online and to be honest, I'm pretty freaked out. Obviously I want my baby to stay in as long as possible, but I'm just so nervous that it will hurt him. Just looking for some reassurance. Thanks so much and congratulations on all of your beautiful babies.
Re: XP from High Risk
I was on procardia from 32 weeks on as well and I HATED it! My pulse would race, I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest, and I would get the hot flashes and sweating. I don't know if any of that was normal for the medication but I finally spoke up at 35 weeks about how awful it was. My OB switched me to terbuteline (sp?) and I was a much happier camper! It might be something you could talk to your OB about.
Good luck keeping that baby in!
I was on procardia for about 4-5 weeks. I honestly didn't think the side effects were that bad (way better than the terb) and if my choice was procardia or a preemie, I would definitely pick procardia.
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