
Sit n stand for three kids?

Hi ladies!

A friend of mine has twins and is expecting a third baby in a few weeks. She's trying to figure out what kind of stroller might work for their family. Anyone know if there is a sit n stand type stroller that would work with two kids sitting on the back? Her twins are 2 1/2 right now.


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Re: Sit n stand for three kids?

  • There is the Big Joovy Caboose- but i wouldn't get it- everyone i know who has it hates it.... I'd wear the baby for as long as I could and have the twins in the stroller... then the twins will be older and not need a stroller much - and she can put the baby into a single (or double and have one twin walk).

    There is also the Valco Trimode Twin + toddler seat that would give a 3rd seat option, but not a triple stroller (which are HUGE and even many triplet moms don't use)

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