
motrin for teething during the day?

is it ok to give motrin for teething during the day?  we do teething tablets, and not sure that they're really helping. 

audrey (my girl who fell off the change table yesterday) is teething.  i can see like an indentation where the tooth is going to come through, but no white yet. 

she took a short nap (45min) this morning, and is fussy, which i attribute to teething, and maybe a little soreness from the fall.  now, with a short nap, she is going to be more fussy.

we gave motrin last night due to soreness from the fall.  and we'll probably give it again tonight for teething.  i try not to give meds for every little thing, but also not stressed about giving her motrin.  just wondering what you all do during the day.... if you try to save painkillers for night only?   

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Re: motrin for teething during the day?

  • imageMrsLee04:
    I gave medicine if they were in pain, day or night.  Motrin is a better pain reducer so I prefer it, but it can only be given every 6 hours, so it's good to have tylenol around, too, to use in between for breakthrough pain.

    Same here. Also we used the mesh feeders and put ice cubes in them to chew on. Chilling the teething toys in the fridge is also a nice feeling for them. These are things I did in addition to Motrin.  

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  • imageMrsLee04:
    I gave medicine if they were in pain, day or night.  Motrin is a better pain reducer so I prefer it, but it can only be given every 6 hours, so it's good to have tylenol around, too, to use in between for breakthrough pain.

     This is what we have been doing as well. 

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  • imageMrsLee04:
    I gave medicine if they were in pain, day or night.  Motrin is a better pain reducer so I prefer it, but it can only be given every 6 hours, so it's good to have tylenol around, too, to use in between for breakthrough pain.

    wow, i didn't know it was OK to give ty on top of motrin for babies. 

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  • imageKMB7:

    I gave medicine if they were in pain, day or night.  Motrin is a better pain reducer so I prefer it, but it can only be given every 6 hours, so it's good to have tylenol around, too, to use in between for breakthrough pain.

    Same here. Also we used the mesh feeders and put ice cubes in them to chew on. Chilling the teething toys in the fridge is also a nice feeling for them. These are things I did in addition to Motrin.  

    our ice cube trays are full of peas and!

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  • I prefer tylenol as motrin upsets both of my babies tummies... 
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