We have twin DD's. One DD sleeps fine in her crib when we put them down
at 10:30 until 3am or sometimes 4. The other one always wakes up like
clockwork every night. So I can get some sleep before the next feeding
I bring her into bed with me since alot of nights I do the middle of
the night feedings. I don't want to continue to do this for many
reasons. I try giving her her paci or rocking her and it only works for
about 20-30 minutes if I am lucky. And I also don't want her to wake my
other DD with crying alittle. She weighs alittle less then my good
sleeper so maybe its just a matter of time. Any suggestions would be
Re: repost from 0-3..breaking this habit
I know every baby is different, but I refused to bring the boys to my bed in the beginning. My DD who is almost 3 sleeps in our bed at sometime during the night every single night. Why because when she would cry out as a baby, my DH who would go try to get her back to sleep would just bring her to our bed. I was exhausted so I also allowed it. I want my bed back.
So when the boys came - we set up a bed in their room. They didn't STTN night until 13 and then 14 weeks. 13 weeks for my bigger twin and 14 weeks for the smaller. If you don't have room for a bed, how about a rocker? My boys also shared a crib until 7 months old.
I would always go to them. I also heard that you should let them learn to sleep through each others crying and I have to say at 14 months - the do that. They have never woken each other up at night from crying.
I would either nurse them or cuddle with them in their room on that bed. I never took them from the room unless I needed light for meds or something.
Now at their age if one will cry out I will go in and pull them and bring them into our room for some cuddle and relaxing and then back to bed. This is more because it seems like lately their crying will actually wake up their sister and bring her into our bed even earlier.
With regards to the paci, I removed it completely by the time they were STTN. This was a personel reason for me because I just recently was able to wean my DD from the blasted thing before christmas. She is almost 3.
Good luck it is hard!