
Antibiotics and diaper rash

I think I remember reading that antibiotics can cause diaper rash.  Is that right or am I making stuff up?  DS is on Augmentin for an ear infection and he has a horrible diaper rash when normally he doesn't get them.

Re: Antibiotics and diaper rash

  • I think they can. 
  • Poor little guy!  Yes, they absolutely can - and often it ends up being a yeast rash (much the same way you can get a yeast infection when taking antibiotics) - so if you can't get it to clear up with normal OTC diaper creams, sometimes a prescription-strength cream is needed.   Keep the area covered at all times with diaper cream while on the antibiotic, and it should help :)

    The women on the board have also posted a great diaper rash concoction - let me see if I can dig it up for you....

    Also, if he's old enough to be eating yogurt, it will help too b/c of the probiotics like lactobacillus (sp?)  - good bacteria :)

    ETA:  Here's co18's rash recipe that people swear by :)

    Mix diaper rash cream (Desitin, etc.  I prefer Balmex)
    Nystatin (it's an Rx, athlete's foot cream will work, too)
    Hydrocortisone (for pain relief)
    Maalox (antiacid to neutralize the rash)
    Baby Cornstarch (to thicken it up to a paste, since the Maalox is liquid)

    (oh, and totally random, but really brush DS's teeth while on augmentin - it's an unusual side effect, but can cause tooth staining - it's taken me months to get DS's teeth back to normal after he was on it - don't know if brushing better AFTER he took it each time might have helped... who knows, but figured it's at least worth mentioning)  hope he's feeling better soon!

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  • Antibiotics kill all the bacteria, good and bad. So that's why they can cause diaper rash (same as they can cause a yeast infection in an adult). Give your DC lots of probiotics (either get one at a health food store or give lots and lots of yogurt) to help replace the good antibiotics.

    If the rash is yeasty (yeasty rashes have little red dots in them) you can buy Lotrimin OTC and use that along with diaper cream. It worked for DS.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • Yep, they sure can!  Mine did, big time.  The diaper rash was worse than the rash she got the meds for!!!  I fed her yogurt and put this butt paste mixture on the rash.  It included diaper rash cream, Mylanta, and Neosporin, all mixed together.  It was messy, but seemed to help.
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