Birth Stories

Anyone have any advice for C-Sections?

We have our C-Section set for this Thursday. I'm beginning to get nervous, if anyone has any advice for the before and after, I'd be greatful for them :) Thanks :)
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Re: Anyone have any advice for C-Sections?

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    Mine was not planned. I felt awesome while the morphine was dripped into me, and thought, "This is the way to go!!" Then they took out the IV. All I can say is:  Fill your prescriptions and take them ahead of the pain. Get help lined up for when you come home if you can. And take it easy. Follow their instructions regarding lifting and stairs.

    I know people who had Cs who thought it was a cinch, so hopefully you will have the same experience.

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    Purchase a special binder for after delivery specially made for C Sections.  They sell them online.  For me, the best pain meds were the motrin they gave.  The super high dosage one.  It took the pain away but didn't make me feel loopy.  Stay in the hospital as long as you are allowed.  You will be tempted to go home, you think you will feel better, but you will soon realize that laying flat on your back is terrible.  Get up as soon as you can after surgery.  You will feel like your stomach is going to literally fall out, but i promise you it gets better.  Also, ask for a stool softener right away.  Trust me, you will need it.  Good luck!!
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    I found that I couldn't wear my regular underwear b/c the pantyline would rub on the incision, ouch!  I stayed in the mesh underwear as long as possible and then moved up to some fashionable granny panties from Target (Fruit of the Loom or something like that).  Ditto on staying on top of your pain meds.  I was trying to not take them b/c I was BFing, but I wouldn't advise that until you are really past the initial healing phase and still in pain.  I'm not sure if this is something I should have done but I wore some sort of Spanx at 3 weeks pp since I was attending a Xmas party and found that it really helped the stomach falling out feeling and made it more comfortable to wear jeans so they wouldn't rub on the incision.  I'm guessing it may be a little easier for you than somebody that went through a long labor since your body is "only" recovering from the surgery.
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    I agree with pp about the mesh underwear, take as many of those things home with you that you can! Take all of the pain medicine they'll give you, I thought I wasn't in too much pain so I declined my pain meds once and trust me that was a baaad idea. My throat was really sore from the breathing tube (I had to be put to sleep) so I coughed for hours afterwards and it felt like my incision was going to rip open every time I coughed so I highly recommend bringing some cough drops. Don't feel bad asking for help with the baby afterwards, it's really painful to get up and down for the first few days. And bring some pj or lounge pants that are really loose and that sit kind of high on your stomach so they won't rub your incision. Good luck with everything!
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    Buy some high-waisted granny underwear. The ugliest you can find and they'll be your best friend for weeks to come.
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    Don't be afraid to take the medication. I always wanted to stay ahead of the pain because it is really unpleasant.

    When the nurses come to make you get out of bed, DO IT! Use their help at first but then follow directions, even if it is uncomfortable to get out of bed and move around as soon as possible. This helps with the stiffness and swollenness.

    Don't be scared. Mine wasn't 'planned' but my doctor said when I first got pregnant that it was a possibility due to my size. After issues during labor I was happy to be pushed into the OR because I knew LO would exit in the safest way possible. It wasn't that bad at all. 

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    ok. I just settled in to tell you my advice...

    i have had 2 c/s. one unplanned after 20 hours of labor and 1 planned. 

    both were similar in recovery. surgery is not bad at all.

    first 12 - 24 hours are not fun. they make you sit up  and stand up when you would rather be laying down and "holding baby". do this though. recovery will be better. stand up and walk as soon as you can and often. ask for gas pills and stool softeners. do NOT try to pick up baby. let some one hand him/her to you for a couple of weeks. DO line up a help system (DH, mom, MIL, etc). You will need it. take pain meds often. it's ok. you will not become dependent in the 2 weeks you need help. if you need pain relief after 2 weeks - talk to you doc. Wear a belly binder (like belly bandit) - it does help with recovery and the return of your normal belly. Do expect that you will not be able to perform "normal" baby duties for 2 weeks or so (normal meaning - diaper changes in hospital, bathing, picking up from crib, etc);

    Good luck and know that many women here are with you! 


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    1.  Get up and walk.  It sucks, but do it.  My LO was delivered at 1:13, and I was up at 5:00 to go to the bathroom. 

    2.  Take a shower when they offer it.  You will feel so much more human after.

    3.  Stool softeners are you friends.  I didn't take them until I was home for 3 days because I had a BM in the hospital.  big misake.  I thought I was going to die 1 week PP from the constipation pains.

    4.  Take your pain meds.  I missed a dose in the hospital because I was feeling pretty good.  Stupid.  I was crying 1 hour later.  The post partum cramping while nursing is brutal, and I forgot about that part. 

    5.  Old lady panties.  Think high waist. 

    6. I change into pjs while in the hospital and felt so much better.  I hate hospital gowns, so I changed when I could to feel better.

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    They gave me a binder at the hospital that felt good. i would take your pain meds when you can have them. I took them and vary rarely had pain that I couldn't handle. Good luck!
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    Take the pain meds. Ask for gas meds if you need them (you will). Walk around asap. Do not assume you will have a long, awful recovery, won't be able to pick the baby up on your own, and all the other stuff you read about C-sections. I was up and walking around the same day, never took any pain meds when I got home except Motrin a few times, had no trouble holding my baby, and had a quick, easy recovery.

    I remember when I found out at 38 weeks I was going to need a C-section, I read everything I could about them. I was so sick of reading in all the books sections on "You're still a woman even if you have a C-section." Gimme a break. Of course you're just as much a woman who give birth the old fashioned way. All that matters is the baby. (And if you really want to feel good about what you went through having the baby, look up youtube videos of C-sections. I felt like super-mom after seeing what I went through.)

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