
Grrrrr, I am SO MAD and frustrated!!!

This petty, just so you know right up front.  And I'll be over it in an hour or so, but for now . . . GRRRRRRRR!!!

I had a bad experience last time I got my eyebrows waxed: the girl scissor cut my left eyebrow in just one area REALLLY short, and it looked beyond ridiculous.  And she knew it as soon as she cut too, because she kept fussing with the area, trying to cover it up.  I was annoyed and told her as much.

That was back in November, and since then, I have been too afraid to get them waxed and have instead been plucking.  But tomorrow is B's bday party, and we have lots of people coming in, and I reallllllly needed some shaping.  (Do you see where this is going????)

So I went to a DIFFERENT salon, different woman . . . and she chopped the same damn eyebrow again!!  WHY OH WHY can't people just leave my left eyebrow well enough alone????  As soon as the scissors came out, I got a little antsy, but (just like last time) I reassured myself that she was a professional and I need not worry.

Dammit.  No more scissors on the eyebrows.  EVER.  I look stupid. Sad

Re: Grrrrr, I am SO MAD and frustrated!!!

  • aw dang! that sucks.

    I've had my eyebrows waxed by three different places, and they have never used the scissors. Why on earth would they use scissors?

  • Oh, I'd be angry too! Ok, so now you know (for next time)...tell the "professional" to lay off the scissors and NOT to f**ck up your left eyebrow like both other girls did. Sorry:(

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  • Um, I am going to get my eyebrows waxed in an hour.  We are going on vacation next week.  Now I am scared.  She better not F-them up! 

    From now on I would give a warning of what has happened in the past and tell them to be conservative.

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  • My left eyebrow is weird like that.  I don't cut, just pluck, but the way the hairs flow, I never realize how much I've taken out until it's too late.  Now it wo'nt grow back.
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