
Stroller recommendations for twins

Hi Ladies! I have never posted over here before but thought I would venture over to ask you girls about stroller recs for twins. My sister is due with twins early May (though obviously she will probably end up going in April) and she is having a delimma when it comes to a stroller. They are planning on using the Chicco Keyfit carseats for the babies but Chicco doesn't currently make a double stroller. She called the company about it and they said they plan on coming out with one i think in May. She isn't too worried about waiting since she doesn't think they will use it right away and also because they registered for the double snap 'n go as well.

I was wondering if you girls had any good recommendations on what you purchased/use(d) for your multiples. They are pretty set on the Chicco's since I used one for my son, my sister then bought one for her baby too (and of course they get very high safety ratings) and so now she can use my sister's carseat/base for one baby instead of buying an extra (I would let her borrow mine too so they wouldn't have to buy any but I'm pregnant and will be needing it).

Hope you are all doing well over here and keeping those babies in as long as possible!


Re: Stroller recommendations for twins

  • She'll probably want to use the Double Snap N Go in the beginning. I think most infant car seats can be used with it.
  • After the Double Snap n Go, we bought a Baby Jogger City Mini double stroller. We're pretty happy with it.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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  • Honestly, if she's already planning on getting the DSNG, there really isn't a reason to get another stroller that's compatible with the car seats.  For a second stroller, she can go for something nice that would work best with her lifestyle and she can even pick one after her twins have been here for a while since the DSNG will get you through a few months. 

    My favorite stroller now is my Phil and Ted's Sport.  It's kind of like tandem in that one kid sits in front of the other, but it's the size of a single.  It's great for outdoors because it has 3 large air-filled tires which do well on uneven sidewalks and other surfaces, but it drives well and is small so it also does wonderfully at the mall (just used it for the first time there this morning).  There is also a new Baby Jogger City Select that's kind of a similar concept that's getting a lot of good reviews.  

    2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)

    ***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***

  • imagekeg:

    Honestly, if she's already planning on getting the DSNG, there really isn't a reason to get another stroller that's compatible with the car seats.  For a second stroller, she can go for something nice that would work best with her lifestyle and she can even pick one after her twins have been here for a while since the DSNG will get you through a few months. 

    This -- the DSNG is all she needs until as long as they are in infant seats.  She won't need another stroller that is compatible with the carseats.

    She really shouldn't have to worry about the next stroller until her twins are at least 4 months old.  By then she'll know if she likes the tandem of the DSNG or if she'll want to try a SBS.

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