I have to start by saying that I have the weirdest lab ever. He's petrified of people, loves to bark at them, and won't go near anybody that is taller than him. He's completely fine with kids but for some reason freaks out with 'big' people. Anyways, the homestudy was today and I was freaking out about how he was going to behave. So the cw shows up, I'm sweating bullets and I can tell that my dog is trying to figure out what is going on. So hubby opens the door, Koda (my dog) goes to bark and the cw immediately gets down on the floor so he can sniff her. I was so relieved. That was exactly what Koda needed to feel not intimidated. She stayed on the floor for a good 5 minutes just letting him check her out. She eventually got up and sat down. What does my dog do? Climbs up behind hubby and falls asleep. Ten minutes into the interview he starts snoring. Bless his heart, he made my day. Everything went perfect after that. She was only there about an hour and now I have a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.
Great Day!
Re: I'm so proud of my dog