
s/o What activities is your child enrolled in?

The "overscheduled child" post made me think.  How many activities is enough or too much?

Eric (who will be 5 next month) is enrolled in gymnastics and piano lessons.  In the spring he will start soccer and swim lessons (while still doing the gymnastics and piano).

Kyle (just turned 3) will be doing swim lessons and soccer in the spring.

I don't think they are overscheduled and they love all the things they do.  If we could afford to do more, we probably would (until E enters kinder and then I think we'd cut back).


Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005

Re: s/o What activities is your child enrolled in?

  • I try to limit it to 2 activities per season, but DS has Sunday school in addition, so he's pretty busy for a 4 y/o IMO.  i think there are ways to let your kids try things out w/o having them be busy every day of the week.  I don't enroll my kids in many activities for the whole year.  MOst we do for one or two sessions and then move on until they come around again next year. 
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • I think that as long as they are happy doing it, it's no problem=)
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  • DD is in preschool three days a week, then swimming and dance. DS has mother's Day out one day a week and swimming.

    If they are in a type of preschool/MDO I limit it to two other activities. They love them and don't seem overscheduled to me, but I bet others would think so. Oh and we have church sundays and wednesday nights.

  • I am a SAHM and dd isnt in preschool yet, so we do swimming 2 evenings a week, gynastics and a mommy and me preschool for 1 hour a week.  She has also done soccer 1 day a week, and will either do that or t-ball this spring.  mot of the stuff we do is during the day, to fill our day
  • I think its only overscheduled if there is no time for play...AND they don't enjoy the things they are doing.

    Tay and Aud are both in dance once a week.

    They will be in swimming and soccer soon (so 3 activities until dance is over)

    Aud is going to try gymnastics this summer because I think she would like it better than dance..she just doesn't "know" what it is....but we will put her back in dance in the fall if she wants.

    Mitch (2.5)---isn't in anything yet...I need him fully potty trained I **think** for most things....but we are going to do soccer and gymnastics next fall for him...he will only be in preschool 2 days a week, so I doubt that will "overschedule" him.

  • Right now none.  Because apparently if you are a working mother you do not have the privilege of enrolling your child in dance, swim lessons or gymnastics.  All classes are on weekday mornings.

    She is totally into skating right now, so I am going to look into that if she stays interested. 

  • preschool 2 mornings a week




    speech 2x/ week for 1/2 hour.  

    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • imagemlm1128:

    Right now none.  Because apparently if you are a working mother you do not have the privilege of enrolling your child in dance, swim lessons or gymnastics.  All classes are on weekday mornings.

    She is totally into skating right now, so I am going to look into that if she stays interested. 

    Aw that sucks everything around here has night and weekend classes for kids that need that time.

  • DD is in tumbling and swimming. The swimming lessons are not all year round and have 2-3 months in between sessions. I like to limit it to 2 activities at a time. For us, more than that is too much. Part of it is I work 4 pms a week, so this limits our evenings that we have free to just enjoy eachother as a family and not have to worry about activities.

    ETA: DD is in preschool 3-4 days a week as well.

    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
  • Nothing.  We'll do swimming or soccer or something this summer though.  (whatever she chooses to do).  I'm going to try teaching a little piano here & there again & see how it goes this time. 

    DS, we'll probably just get him a hamster wheel so he can burn off some freaking energy.  ;-)

  • DD does preschool 2 afternoons a week, dance and gymnastics.  She will be starting soccer again in the spring and we'll most likely do swimming again this summer.  She is 4.

    DS is 2 and he is starting a music class one afternoon while DD is in preschool and he does gymnastics (their classes run at the same time).  Once he is old enough he will also do soccer.

    They love being busy and involved in activities so it works well for them, and I am very lucky that my nanny likes doing some of these activities with them.  If it was limited to only times that I could bring them to activities it would be limited.

  • I think their schedule sounds fine.

    DD1 is in a ballet/tap class one day per week. She wanted to take gymnastics, too, but I told her we would wait until ballet is over for the year. 

    In the summer she does nine weeks of swim lessons. It's three sessions a week for 45 minutes per session. She absolutely loves it. 

    DD2 isn't in any activities yet, but I may start her in a few swim lessons this summer. 

  • imagemlm1128:

    Right now none.  Because apparently if you are a working mother you do not have the privilege of enrolling your child in dance, swim lessons or gymnastics.  All classes are on weekday mornings.

    She is totally into skating right now, so I am going to look into that if she stays interested. 

    Well that sucks!  I WOH too and have founds quite a few options.  It's still annoying when I have to go a little further away b/c my town only offers certain classes during the day.  But if i look hard enough, I can usually find things that work.  do they offer any classes at her school?  DS takes tumbling at his school and DD will start dance there in the fall.  I love that they can do things there and I don't have to rush home to drive them someplace!

    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • imagemlm1128:

    Right now none.  Because apparently if you are a working mother you do not have the privilege of enrolling your child in dance, swim lessons or gymnastics.  All classes are on weekday mornings.

    She is totally into skating right now, so I am going to look into that if she stays interested. 

    You know, its just the opposite here....I have my MIL able to help with watching kids until about 2 p.m. and I'm having a horrible time finding activities (swim/soccer/gymnastics) that are morning or around noon.  Everything is 4 p.m. or after....DH usually works til 11 p.m., so I feel ya! 

  • James is 2 and he does a lot of activities, but I SAH with him and we would get bored otherwise. Once he starts preschool in the fall, we will probably only continue with Music Together. Right now he has music on Mondays, we usually do storytime on Tuesdays, soccer on Wednesdays, nothing Thursdays and a drop in art class on Fridays. We also did Gymboree play and learn up until a few months ago. I really like all the activities he is in and they just take up about an hour each morning, so I don't feel like it is too much.
  • DD isnt' in any activities.

    She is in preschool/daycare from 8-5:30 5 days/week.  They do yoga, music, and 'sports' there.

    She loves being able to play on the weekend, so we haven't enrolled her in anything then.  I keep toying with the idea of doing ballet or swimming.

  • I agree with pp. 2 activities is my limit.
  • DD goes to school 2 days/week and does ballet 1 day/week for right now.  In the summer, we will do outdoor swimming, ballet, soccer, and maybe one other class - last year it was cooking.  The swimming is 8 consecutive business days, so does not run all summer.  The other things are once/week.

    Right now, DS is just in tumbling.  We will do outdoor swimming in the summer and probably stay in tumbling as well.

  • The girls are both in preschool two days a week for 5 hours.  DD#1 also does swimming lessons and ballet.  This summer, she'll do swimming lessons, gymnastics or some sport and a bunch of camps.  (DD#2 will do swimming lessons and maybe a camp if she's old enough for any.)  Next year, both will probably keep up swimming lessons, though it depends on how they're doing and if we get a pool this summer.  Both will have at least one other activity - probably gymnastics or soccer.  Then I'm hoping to get DD#1 into museum school which is one day a week for 2 hours.  So I would say they'll do at least one or two activities as well as school.  I prefer to have one or two days a week that are open for playdates and whatnot.
  • Kate is pretty scheduled. She is nearly 3.

    Monday: preschool in the am

    Tuesday: playgroup in the am

    Wednesday: usually story hour in the am, music together in the pm

    Thursday: preschool in the am

    Friday: playgroup in the pm

    Then we do another couple of afternoon outings (playdates, etc) a week.  

  • My DD currently takes swimming lessons (2x per week) and ballet (1x per week).  She's also in preschool 4 mornings per week.

    I'd rather have her doing activities 2 days per week instead of 3, but the way the swimming schedule runs, we had to do it this way for a month.

    I was one of those kids who did a million things, so I have the tendency to always want her to be doing something.  Ballet is the first thing that she's asked to do on her own, so I'm keeping her enrolled in that.  I know she doesn't love swimming lessons, but I think they're really important, so she will continue (not every session, but will have a month long session, then a break, etc.)

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • DS has pre-K 5 morings a week and is starting t-ball pretty soon. He also goes to Sunday school.

    DD is in first grade and has gymnastics once a week, on Wed. she goes to a Christian centered after school club and Sunday school as well. I am thinking of putting her in soft ball next year.

    They both usually have playdates during the week too so the schedule fills up quickly.

  • Ds- Nothing other than preschool 5 days/week. That pretty much eats up all of our time/money. He'll probably do a couple of different activities in the summer when school is not in session (swim lessons, an art class, etc.)

    Dd- Nothing. Poor, neglected 2nd child, LOL. I really want her to be in Music Together (we did it with ds for a couple of years before he started preschool) but unfortunately the only time it is offered here doesn't fit into our schedule (it's when I'm taking ds to school.) 

    Both of the kids do have regular playdates with friends, we go to the library and storytime. And I think that I might take them to a kid's yoga class next week. I figure that's got to count for something. 

  • I wanted to add that I think I have over scheduled myself more than my kids. I'm co-leader of the recycling program at DD's school, co-lead for the in class art program, I work on the fall fair and now I am team mom (which sounds easy but the list of duties is not small) for DS's t-ball team. DH told me I'm not allowed to volunteer for another thing. :oP
  • DD#1--violin lessons, swimming lessons both weekly right now.  This spring/summer will be violin, daily swim lessons, daily tennis lessons, YMCA camp, soccer.  This Fall will be swim team, soccer & violin.  Daily preschool.  Sunday school 

    DD#1--swimming lessons, dance weekly.  This spring/summer will be daily swim lessons & soccer.  She will start violin when she get a tad older.  Sunday school & MOPS.

    I don't think it's too much--my girls still have plenty of time to sit around the house & play because I SAH.   


    AKA Carol*Brady! IHO my upcoming 10yr Nestiversary--Back to old screenname. My own Marsha, Jan & Cindy... imageDesigning a Life Blog
  • My DH and I are trying to keep each of our girls at 2 activites.  Right now my 3 1/2 year old is in swim lessons and soccer.  She takes a Spanish class at preschool so I guess she is technically in 3 things but since its during school and at school, we consider it part of school.  My almost 2 year old is in a Mommy and Me type class (ECFE).  When the girls start kindergarten, they will start religius school and we are hoping will know how to swim by then so that can be dropped unless they choose that as their one other activity.  Not sure how we handle this rule when you look at more school related stuff like girl scouts or sports.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • None right now. They are in daycare M-W-F and my almost 4 year old attends a 2.5 hour preschool on Tues/Thurs. It doesn't really leave too much time for anything else. I'd like to do swim lessons for both of them if I can find any on a Saturday morning.
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • J-soccer 1x pw, music 1x pw

    C-music1x pw

    no school or daycare.  however we do try to do SOMETHING everyday.  the city offers art or playdates, something to get us out of the house unlike today when we stayed home and now I'm done.

    DS #1 5.5.07 DS #2 12.3.08 DD 5.21.11
  • I don't think my kids are overenrolled... and I would love to actually sign up Ethan for an art class... maybe in the spring when we stop karate.

    Ethan is currently going to:

    1) a music/math/russian teacher twice a week

    2) karate three times a week, but it's only for an hour and it's right by the house - we just started and it's only while it's cold outside, hopefully later in the spring/summer it'll be tennis. I did not want it to be 3 times a week, but the price difference was so little... I figured we'd go once or twice a week and if we can and it's nasty out, we'll go three times a week...

    3) swimming once a week

    4) story time at the library once a week (without me, it's a drop off class)-free

    5) arts and crafts at the town's recreation dept - free

    We are home plenty and he goes to pre-K public school for 2.5 hours each day..... so he has enough time for those activities and some days we're not even busy at all.

    My almost two year old is signed up for  two different music/mommy and me classes and we make it to story time at the library when we can, which is not too often.... I guess I should start thinking of adding more activities to his day :)


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