My half-brother started high school this year. I'll fully acknowledge that he's fodder to be picked on - small, red head, glasses (although I think he has contacts now), braces (which are off now), smart.
Long story short, he tripped a kid who was bullying him (kid was walkign back to his desk and brother stuck his foot out). Intentionally. Long-term effect was that the bullying stopped and other kids looked at him differently because he stood up to the kid - he wasn't the only victim.
He got into some sort of trouble at the school, which my stepmom fully supported, but she also told him that she was glad he stuck for himself and that what he did wasn't necessarily all bad. If he got in any trouble at home, it was minor.
That's simplifying it, but do you agree with what she did?
Re: So what about this? Re: Teens
Yes, I do.
I'll encourage my kids to stand up for themselves. If they get in trouble for doing so, then fine, the school's punishment is what it is. I wouldn't support my child going way overboard or something, but for the most part, I want them to stand up for themselves, and if they suffer consequences, I understand. But I wouldn't add punishment at home if I felt they were justified in doing so.
That is such a tough one. I'm not sure if I would sanction that behavior, but I think I would punish it very lightly. I'd probably start looking into karate or some other type of class like that for my DC too. Something to give them some self esteem, but learn how to use it properly too.
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo