I keep going back and forth on whether I want to have a 3rd. DH does (most days! lol) but I'm worried about how hectic it will be. DH & I both have careers and we live many hours away from family. DH is in the military and we could be posted anywhere in the country at a moment's notice. Well Canada that is. Would 3 children be a ton to manage all on our own?? Advice please!!
DS #1: May 25, 2007
DS #2: Jan 7, 2009
DD #3 due May 17, 2014!!! Low lying placenta and DD measuring 1 week ahead at big u/s
Re: Anyone on here have more than 2 DCs?
Having the 3rd child was really hard for me. It is only in the last few months that I feel like I have a handle on it. My baby is 3 and a half now.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I have 4. We chose to have 3, and for me to go back to work. Well, our 3 became 4 and it's not practical for me to work (money/time wise). I think I could handle 3 with working, but it's not for everyone. I've become very relaxed on may levels, and I have no issues going anywhere alone with all 4. Some moms though don't go out alone with 2. I think a lot of that comes back to discipline and expectations.
I do think 3/4 would be difficult w/o family. My MIL watches all 4 on Mondays for 2-3 hrs while I get groceries and run errands. Then on Thursdays the older 2 go back to their old in-home DCP for the day and I just have the babies. DS will start preschool in the fall and I think it will get crazy then (the babies will be walkers at that point).
We have 3! DD#1 had just turned 7 and DD #2 was 23 months when DS was born.
I had a tough time at first. I was on bedrest for 8 weeks and then had a c-section so my recovery was harder than I was expecting. DD#2 was fully toilet trained by the time DS arrived so that helped. I also went back to work part time when DS about 13 weeks old.
The mornings that I work is the hardest time for me. Its a lot to get my self ready for work, DD #1 ready for school and the little one's ready for my moms house. Its a completly different story the mornings when I don't have to work. DH isn't always home in the morning to help me out.
I couldn't imagine not having my 3. It is hard at times but thats ok. I think it would be a lot easier if I was able to SAH full time.
We are actually debating having a 4th but only when I would be able to quit my job which hopefully would be in a year.
Good luck!
I have three, but just had the last one so it's hard to say. We have no family near by, but have a great sitter/nanny that has been watching the girls since DD#1 was about 6 months old. I'm a WAHM with my own business. It's nice b/c we don't put the babies in daycare until about 6 months rather than as newborns. (I'm at my office now with DS playing on the floor.) Then they're in daycare/preschool/with a nanny for about 15 hours/week (less during the winter). During the summer, I have a nanny 3 days a week for 6 hours. During the school year, the girls are in preschool two days a week and all three will go to an in-home daycare one or two days a week next year for 5-6 hours.
Right now, it's really hard. DS is a newborn so you know how that is. DD#2 has decided to potty train right now. (It's an attention thing, but I'm not going to discourage it.) That takes a lot out of me. Most days DH comes home and I'm ready to crash. Officially, I am starting back to work this weekend (no weddings until April), but I've had meetings and had to get some stuff done already so it's starting. I'm hoping once we get into a good routine it'll get easier. It usually does.
In general, most days are getting pretty good - exhausting, but doable and worth it. I think I'm going to love it in a few months when DS is sleeping better and we are all into our routine. The girls adore him (as do we) and I definitely didn't think we were done with 2 (not sure if we're done with 3).