We are flying with the kids about 3 hours leaving around 8 and getting in around 12am. We are flying to my in-laws. So when we get there , the kids beds will be all ready to put them in for the night.
I do not think they will sleep on the plane. We flew only once at night when Jack was a toddler and he did not sleep at all. But I do think that they should be comfy and ready for bed in case they fall asleep in the car from the airport to in laws house. So, I think they shoud wear their pjs in the airport and onto the plane.
Dh says, not needed. Also he doesn't think they should have no shoes on walking around the airport in feety pjs.
What is your opinion? Comfy clothes, sneakers and chnage them when we get to in laws or already have them in pjs for the plane ride?
Re: WWYD: Flying with kids at night
This. I wouldn't want to put my kids into bed in dirty plane jammies. I'd do leggings and a comfy shirt with regular shoes.
When we fly the red eye I always put the kids in PJ's but they are younger than yours too. If your DH is having issues with PJ's just go comfy clothes. Personally I wouldn't bother changing them if they are sleeping once you get to your inlaws but that is up to you.
Oh and we always put DS in shoes with his PJ's but he wears non-footed ones.
Christmas 2011