If I have a girl, its either going to be Gabriella Joy, Penelope Joy, or Elizabeth Joy. I am stuck on the MN joy as it has special meaning to me, so no negotiation here (although first name is up in the air).
If it's a boy, it's either Oliver or August but for the life of me I cannot think of a middle name that strikes me. Any suggestions?
Re: Help me think of a middle name
For some reason, I like:
Oliver Michael
August Daniel
Since they are not "classic" first names (John, Michael, etc), I think a pairing with a classic MN might be nice.
Oliver Grant
Oliver Patrick
Oliver Aaron
What great name choices for a boy! They could even be middle names for each other.
With Oliver, I'd stick with a short mn like Cole or Chase.
With August, you have more flexibility and could try something from here.
Oliver Michael
Oliver John
Oliver Joseph
Oliver Matthew
LOVE Elizabeth Joy! So pretty!