
reallly dumb question!

Im sorry but im gonna be a first time mom... everyone is saying 2 boppies are a must... If I dont nurse, what do I use them for?

Re: reallly dumb question!

  • everything :) We have 4 boppies- 2 upstairs and 2 down.

    propping them to eat... napping... tummy time... put around them when learning to sit in case they fall back...


  • imageGoldie_Locks_5:

    everything :) We have 4 boppies- 2 upstairs and 2 down.

    propping them to eat... napping... tummy time... put around them when learning to sit in case they fall back...


    this!  I don't kow what i would do with out my boppys!!!

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  • I've breastfed 4 babies and never used boppies : )  We have one, we've just never used it much.  We do use bouncy seats a lot though.
  • Ditto Goldie. We used ours a LOT!
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I had a boppy with my son...he is now 11.  I also had an additional Q too, kind of along this same topic.

    I went to a baby shower today, and my friend uses a Bumbo seat a lot!  It almost looks like a potty chair to me.  Since I haven't had a little one in a while, I wondered if ppl are getting these "bumbo" seats now? as well as the Boppy's??Confused

    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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