
XP: How do I get DD off the binky?!?!

When my DD turned one I stopped allowing her to have binks during the day around the house, I told her they had to stay in her crib.  I thought for sure she would just stop using them on her own.  Here I am and she is now two and is still using them for naps and bed time.  Yesterday I had her at her 2 year old appointment and the dr. suggested I get rid of them all together.  Anyone have any tips on how, or where to begin?!?  I am pretty nervous about this! TIA!

Re: XP: How do I get DD off the binky?!?!

  • Cold turkey.

    We did the same thing for both kids, though at different ages (DD was 18 months and the day after DS's 2nd birthday). We said "Ok, no more paci." and that was it. We threw them all away, didnt keep any hidden extra "spares", and made sure they had their lovies in bed. DD never complained once. DS was SUPER attached to his paci and we thought for sure it would be a nightmare, but he only cried once, and only asked about it a couple times after that.

  • We did the paci fairy & told her that another baby needed them.  We put them in a gift bag put it outside at night & in the a.m. the paci's were gone & a Cinderella doll was left for her.  She fussed for about 5 min the first night & then she was fine since.  I'll pull my pictures & post them she was so excited.
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  • I stopped cold turkey with DS but he was younger than your DD.  If you think she'll "get" it, you could try having the "binky fairy" come.  You gather up all her binks and put them under the bed.  Then in the middle of the night, the binky fairy will come and take them all away and leave a gift/money/treat under there for her.  You have to explain all of this to her of course, make it exciting, etc.  I nannied for a little girl and we "donated" her binkies to all the babies at the hospital because she was a big girl and didn't need them anymore, but the babies at the hospital really needed them.  Her aunt worked at a local hospital so the nurses on the maternity ward made kind of a big deal about it for her, let her look at the babies through the glass, took the binkies and thanked her a whole bunch, etc.  Or you could poke holes in the tips of all her binks so they lose their suction and hope that she loses interest in trying so hard to keep them in.  GL! 
  • I cut the tips off. Ben cried and said his was broken and threw it away. Kate took her cut off one to bed with her and threw it away the next day. I would do that or do it cold turkey. Make sure you gather all the stray ones up. It may be a bad night or 2 but overall it was MUCH easier than I thought it would be. My twins were about 2 yrs 4 months old when we did it. Good luck! My life is much happier without those darn things!
  • I just did this two weekends ago. I cut the pacifier top just a little bit at naptime and he got mad and threw it out of his crib. He cried a few minutes and went to bed. At bedtime he cried on and off for about 45 minutes and fell asleep. He woke a couple times in the night but always went back to sleep by himself.  We had a few rough days that went like that and now it's all normal. He sleeps thru the night, doesn't ever ask for his pacifier and wakes at normal times.

    however, every morning I go in his room and he's thrown out his blanket, stuffed animal like he's mad that his pacifier is gone.  That's it.

    It went a lot easier than I thought!  He turned 2 over Thanksgiving.  Give it a try...and don't look back. I did and a lot of ladies on here told me to keep going and don't give in to your DC's sadness. It will pass quickly.

  • imageemiliemadison:

    Cold turkey.

    We did the same thing for both kids, though at different ages (DD was 18 months and the day after DS's 2nd birthday). We said "Ok, no more paci." and that was it. We threw them all away, didnt keep any hidden extra "spares", and made sure they had their lovies in bed. DD never complained once. DS was SUPER attached to his paci and we thought for sure it would be a nightmare, but he only cried once, and only asked about it a couple times after that.

    This.  He came home from his dad's a couple of weeks ago, and my ex said that he had lost his last one there, so the spawn hadn't had one all weekend.   That was it!   He did however find one the other day in his bedroom.  Not sure where, but it is now in the trash.   (DS is 2.5)

    #4- EDD July 14

  • i just took them from her. it took her a week or so to adjust.

  • imageimageimageimageLast picture is of the fairy kisses (glitter) on her head.
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