
Woo hoo! Baby's head is engaged :)

This weekend I had tons of contractions and lots of pressure really low.  OB said today that the head is now engaged, that's what I was feeling :)

I know it could still be forever... but at least something is happening given all the contractions I am having.

Humor me if you will... how long from head engaged to labor for you (if you knew when the head was engaged)?

Re: Woo hoo! Baby's head is engaged :)

  • *stupid question* does that mean there's no chance of him turning?
  • Wow!  You're going to be a family of four so soon!  Best of luck.
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  • imageamiamish:
    *stupid question* does that mean there's no chance of him turning?

    I'm not sure, but I would guess it would be very unlikely that he would turn at this point.  Engaged means station 0 (I just found that out via google ;)

  • Yay!! I?can't believe it's already time! ?I rarely bump anymore, but I remember when you found out you were having #2 a few weeks after I did :) ?GL! Sorry, no help with the question, I had to be induced both times.?
  • Don't know....but wanted to wish you tons of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Melanie ~Ava Grace 7.20.06 & Lila Jane 7.22.09~ m/c #3 6/18/08 image
  • Yay congrats, I bet that little boy will be here sometime this week.
  • Yeah! Almost there! Ds was "right there" from about 36 weeks until 40 wks 1 day, but he was my first so I bet yours comes a lot faster! Gl
  • My kiddos engaged anywhere from 33-35 weeks, and then didn't have them for a few weeks. I hope it's quicker for you! Is the pressure on your cervix increasing the frequency or intensity of your contractions?
  • imageisabella22:

    *stupid question* does that mean there's no chance of him turning?

    I'm not sure, but I would guess it would be very unlikely that he would turn at this point.  Engaged means station 0 (I just found that out via google ;)

    oh wow! very cool!

    When do they start checking you/doing internals at your appts?

  • Both of my girls were at station 0 & fully engaged from 35 weeks on. DD was induced at 40 weeks & #2 came at 38 weeks. I was running 5 days a week with both & still went to term. Exciting though!
  • DS2 wasn't engaged at my 38 wk 2 day appt; he was still -2.   However he came three days later...

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