I'm actually pretty mellow today (I had a serious rage event in a parking lot last weekend and I've been trying to chill myself out lately.) but I am pretty irritated with the fact that my husband can't feed Robbie.
I know it's not easy, but seriously.. the minute Robbie said all done or shakes his head, my husband gives up. No, I don't want you to force feed him, but play a game, talk him into it.. pretend to take a bite yourself.. something. It makes me feel like I can never leave them alone and it really stresses me out.
I came to work 20 minutes ago to find out my assistant quit in an email after I left on Friday. She fully knows what time I leave and waited until I was gone. We'd been having issues and I almost fired her but decided to give her a second chance and she does this. If I knew what temp agency she worked for (I didn't hire her) I would be on the phone to her right now making sure that she never worked again. I am FURIOUS!
Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
Need help with high fat food ideas?
Chunky Monkey
This afternoon I hate that I can't have a normal pregnancy. I feel "puffy" (in my shins and cheeks) which is most likely normal and just dry skin because nothing actually looks puffy but it's still freaking me out. I keep thinking about taking my bp but don't want to give into the crazies...
I'm fed up with BCBS - I've been trying to get reimbursement for my pump rental and purchase since NOVEMBER. I've filed the paperwork THREE times now and called customer service heaven-knows-how-many times. Saturday I received a check. For the rental only. So I called back today and found out that whoever keyed the info in didn't add the procedure codes for the purchase so it was declined. Um, no. Not my problem!!!
It's absolutely ridiculous that 1) this has taken so freaking long and 2) that I have spent so much freaking time on it!
I'm also playing the same stupid game with SSI. I guess I just need to suck it up and go down to the stupid overcrowded, understaffed office and sit for a blasted day to get this straightened out.
Work has been very slow today. I started to do some training and my boss has to put her two cents in my business. "Well I just test out!", "Why don't use just test out?" I mean seriously I have 3 hours to kill, instead of being on the internet all day long, let me be. I really like to say, mind your own business.
the fact that I am not a SAHM but a full time student but to most people they treat it as the same. Well, it isn't, I can't leave my work at work...I have to bring it home and try to find sometime to do it and that my husband thinks it is perfectly acceptable to ask me to miss days of school (that I pay for) so he can travel for work when he isn't required to!!!!
Birth 2lbs 10oz 15in long (4/28 )
2months 2weeks 6lbs 4oz (discharge day ! )
3 months 8lbs 6oz (due date 7/25 )
**1 years old 19lbs**
**2 years old 25lbs 33 inches tall**
I hate my pump!!!!! Well at least I hate being tied to it. I feel like a darn cow!
Oh do I know how this feels ::hugs::
Birth 2lbs 10oz 15in long (4/28 )
2months 2weeks 6lbs 4oz (discharge day ! )
3 months 8lbs 6oz (due date 7/25 )
**1 years old 19lbs**
**2 years old 25lbs 33 inches tall**
The nap strike. Put her down at 8am, checked on her at 10am and she's playing with her feet. Put her down at 1pm, checked on her at 2pm and she's looking up at her crib toy. Put her down at 4pm and she's STILL crying. It's that super tired cry, too, so I know she needs to sleep. If you are tired, take a NAP, baby! How hard is that???
Re: ~*Mad Mondays*~
I'm actually pretty mellow today (I had a serious rage event in a parking lot last weekend and I've been trying to chill myself out lately.) but I am pretty irritated with the fact that my husband can't feed Robbie.
I know it's not easy, but seriously.. the minute Robbie said all done or shakes his head, my husband gives up. No, I don't want you to force feed him, but play a game, talk him into it.. pretend to take a bite yourself.. something. It makes me feel like I can never leave them alone and it really stresses me out.
My Blog
Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey
I hate my pump!!!!! Well at least I hate being tied to it. I feel like a darn cow!
I'm fed up with BCBS - I've been trying to get reimbursement for my pump rental and purchase since NOVEMBER. I've filed the paperwork THREE times now and called customer service heaven-knows-how-many times. Saturday I received a check. For the rental only. So I called back today and found out that whoever keyed the info in didn't add the procedure codes for the purchase so it was declined. Um, no. Not my problem!!!
It's absolutely ridiculous that 1) this has taken so freaking long and 2) that I have spent so much freaking time on it!
I'm also playing the same stupid game with SSI. I guess I just need to suck it up and go down to the stupid overcrowded, understaffed office and sit for a blasted day to get this straightened out.
Oh do I know how this feels ::hugs::