
how do I get rid of ants in the house?

DH has already tried.  Sprayed whatever a few times.  Now we don't know where they are getting in the house.  Before it was a pin size hole in the ceiling.  DH plugged that.  Today saw about 20 on the guest bed and dresser.  No food is in that room.  I may not be Suzy homemaker but I don't keep a filthy house.  I mentioned calling a professional and DH looked at me like I had chopped off his manhood.  We have been seeing ants off and on for over a month.  Obviously his methods aren't working.  What do I do?

Re: how do I get rid of ants in the house?

  • If you could find the source, they do not like scented dryer sheets.  I have used these around my house at the source of entry of ants & it worked like a charm!  FWIW, my house is SPOTLESS and we still got the ants! 
  • Delta Dust on
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  • I read somewhere once that baking soda gets rid of ants.  Last summer we had a bunch of ants on our back porch where some trash had been left, I didn't want them sneaking their way into my house :)  So I put down a bunch of baking soda and sure enough it got rid of them all.  I think the ants carry it back to the colony or whatever and they all eat it and die.  When put like that it sounds a bit mean....
  • You really need to find the source outside.  Spraying the area will just lead them to come in a different way. We had ants last yr and we sprayed where they were coming in at, and they then just started coming through a different window.  We finally had someoen come out and they tracked the ants in our backyard to their nest. 

    Good luck!

  • also, look for dead ants and use doyourownpestcontrol to identify the type of ants. dead ants often mean the nest is near bc they 'push out' their dead. nice, huh? we had a MASSIVE nest in our basement ceiling. I used Delta Dust in the winter and that spring the nest moved itself outside.
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