Dallas-Fort Worth Babies


Ok, went off the pill 5 weeks ago. Never had a period while on the pill, and never had one when I stopped it. Just found out yesterday that I am pregnant. Called the Dr to schedule an appt and naturally they want to know when I had my last period to determine how far along I am. I explained my situation and they want me to come in this Wednesday for a sono.


So my question is....what exactly is this gonna show?  Will it be able to see anything? Will it determine how far along I am? Is this just to rule of a tubal pregnancy and should I have them do hCG levels instead as a cheaper alternative?


long winded..I know. 

Re: Question

  • Don't have an answer for you, but your siggy pic is beautiful!!
  • Depending on how far along you are, the sono may or may not be able to tell you anything.  If I remember correctly, around 6 weeks is when they can start dating from the sono.  With my pregnancy this time around, the midwife scheduled my sono early (I even questioned it!) and they couldn't tell anything.  I had the option to wait another week or have blood work done.  Since I knew it was just too early, I waited the week.  The sono tech said that early on in the pregnancy, HOURS can actually make the difference if they can see anything or not!

    Chances are, if you just went off the pill 5 weeks ago (and you don't think you got PG on the pill), the sono won't show anything.  I'd just wait and see what they say (of course, this is easier said than done if you're a worrier!).  If they don't offer a blood test, you could always request one.

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  • Ditto PJoann.  They'll either be able to tell you a lot, or nothing at all, depending on how far along you are.  GL!
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    The Mouse ~ 06.12.08 | The Froggy ~ 02.23.11

  • I would go ahead and get the sono.  In 2006 I had my one and only period for that year in February  and found out in September of that year that I was 4 months pregnant!!!! So I actually ovulated in May! So trust me weird things can happen ,better save then sorry Big Smile
  • They just want to be able to date the pregnancy.... they will probably do a blood test as well to see if your hcg levels are in a range that matches how far along you are, based on the sonogram.  
  • For sure get the sono! With my lo I never had a period nor was I on the pill. I actually found out I was pregant went in for a sono and I was 20 weeks. Actually found out he was a boy 2 days after I took an at home test!

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