When I married DH, we ended up having to pay taxes every year, no more refunds. And by paying, it was writing a 9K or 10K check to the govt. it drove me crazy at first. I would sit down and analyze everything...see how much was being taken from my check and going towards taxes...and then realize we had to pay another 9 K more! HOLY CRAP!!! You don't really realize how much in taxes you pay until you have to write out that check yourself.
I swear to god, the smartest thing the govt has ever done is require taxes come out of paychecks...because then people get all excited about their refund. If it were the other way and everyone had to write a 20K check or whatever they end up paying total, there would be a revolt and people would be po'd at the govt. But because people chose to have so much withheld and get a refund...woo hoo! Awesome! You "made" money!
But the reality is, have you looked at how many thousands of dollars the govt is keeping?? Oh, you get your refund (otherwise known as an interest free loan you let the govt have...another govt bonus)...and think "woo hoo...I made money!" Well, that was money you earned to begin with. It was YOUR money that you loaned interest free to the govt and you are all giddy to get it back??
Soooo, yeah, I'm po'd that we are getting about 5K back this year. The first year we've ever had a refund....we have adjusted everything this year so that when we file next year, we better not get anything back.
I personally would rather write that check out for 5K than get a refund back.
But that's just me.
Re: Here's what cracks me up about people excited about big tax refunds.
I totally agree. I'd rather take that money with my paycheck, invest it myself and make it work for ME and pay a little at the end.
eta: good point Cleo
There has never been any illusions in my mind about tax refunds.
I know it's our money that the government took too much of and is giving the excess back. I know it's not free or bonus money, but money that was earned by DH.
That said, it's good to see because it seems like it's easier to have the IRS to hold our $2500 than it it is for us to save it ourselves. However we know that 100% of that money came out of DH's check and if we changed our exemptions, we would get that money in his paychecks (and possibly owe if we cut it too close).
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
Ditto this. It's not like I think my refund is free money, but saving to pay out taxes is one thing I don't want to have to worry about, at least not right now.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Cleo made a good point, but in most cases, what you just wrote is totally true.
This is definitely the case for me this year. Between losing my income when I became a SAHM and then H losing his job last year, our income was literally cut by 2/3 but because of EIC and things like our mortgage and student loan interest, we are getting back what little we actually paid in taxes last year and then some. Thankfully my H has a job again and I have a few job possibilities so this won't be the case next year.
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
So, Marce, you just admitted that you can't manage your own money? Nice.
Your perspective is very logical, but there is a huge emotional component to money and spending and many people don't save / spend whatever they have, so getting a refund is exciting.
We are good savers (or try to be) and I still get excited about a refund.
ditto Marce-I get how it works...I just wish we were more saavy about money and investing, but we're not and then we'd end up in a panic during tax time. We don't get a ginormous return, but it's a lot better than having to come up with thousands in April. For us.
eta: no gibs, we're not spectacular money managers (when it comes to the big stuff) and yes I am admitting that.
huh? ok
I can manage to pay my bills, etc no problem, but I love shopping and would spend more than I needed of stuff I didn't need to buy, yes. My DH is the saver and he's much better at doing so. What we're using our tax refund for is finishing the basement... it's not something that NEEDS to be done, but something we want done. It we didn't get a tax refund, we'd still be able to do it, but it would take a lot longer than it will with our refund. It's just nice to not have to worry about saving that money on our own.
That said, we do have savings and regularly put money in it.
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
The whole post is why you are so much smarter/better than people who get back big refunds. Why not just let them enjoy themselves?
I made this same post on 24 months+ and got flamed. LOL - people don't like to hear things like this sometimes.
That would be like a dream come true! We usually come w/in $1-2k one way or the other, usually in getting it back.
We're getting $5k this year, and I'm annoyed. I don't like giving the government any money, let alone giving them an interest free loan.
Ooh, she told you! You're such a snob, DandR!
No way! It's one thing if people know this and still want the big refund. It's another if they are ignorant - she's totally helping out those fools. Why not thank DandR for this?!?!
Besides, regardless of whether people know or not, I do find it laughable when people are like, "OH YESSSSSSSSSSSSS I'M GETTING A HUGE REFUND!" Like it wasn't their money in the first place (besides Cleo's points).
I agree with you but honestly most people are not capable of accurately estimating their tax liability (even if they have a simple tax return). Over withholding is generally better for the average person than under withholding because the reality is that people do not set aside the money needed to pay what they will owe in April (if they under withhold).
I'm a CPA and taxes are complicated. I agree it is not 'found money' but it is surely better than getting a huge bill that was not anticipated.
I think it is ignorant to assume people don't understand the way tax works. Everyone that has replied said they knew and didn't care. This wasn't a PSA, it was a look how dumb you people are post.
Well said!
btw: LOVE your siggy pic and your caption...lol.
Would anyone choose not to pay any money if given the option?
LOL! You're giving people FAR too much credit. Maybe not people here, but I know plenty of people who are totally ignorant to how the tax system works and think they are getting free money. And yes, I find it hilarious.
Also, I should add that I would not advocate that people purposely, significantly over withhold OR under withhold. There is actually a penalty for significantly under withholding.
But I suppose if you cannot figure out your appropriate withholding (i.e. one that gets you a slight refund or has you paying slightly) OR you do not hire someone to plan for you, then getting a refund is better than paying (esp a significant amount).
Well said, D&R, well said!
I would rather get a few grand back then have to come up with that in April.
Yes, we save money but like pp said it is nice to get a lump sum back. Otherwise we would spend it on unnecessary crap.
I was at no time under the illusion that i was getting 'extra' money.