
Petty vent yours here!

1.  My local newspaper's online edition sucks.  Its pathetic that I have to look at the online version of the paper in the next county to find out simple answers to simple questions.  And no, these stories aren't featured on the TV news channels.

 2.  My stbx expected a Valentine's Day gift.  Are you effing kidding me?

Re: Petty vent yours here!

  • I wish that my MIL would stop bringing junk food to my house for my kids. I'm not a food nazi by any means, but I wish that she could show her love for them without chocolate and potato chips.
    Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/9/11 - 34:24 - 1st race evah!
    Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
    Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
    Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
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  • I have to start cleaning today to get ready for DD's b-day party this weekend.  I took DD1 to school today so I could get a good start.  Having the Golden Girls on helps me get motivated.  I don't know why, I just love the show.

    It's not on-I Love Lucy is.  Angry

    A woman pulled out of a side street into my lane and forced me off the road last week.  If she hit me, she was going to hit on my DD's side.  I ended up damaging my car.  Both my insurance and her insurance said that I will probably be at fault as far a a claim goes for not keeping control of the car.  And that it would have been better if she hit me.  Nice to know risking injury to my family is the only way to get my car fixed. 

    Diagnosed with PCOS June 2004 Abby born 2/2007 and Ally 3/2009 imagehttp://Life In
  • imagePoundCake:

     Both my insurance and her insurance said that I will probably be at fault as far a a claim goes for not keeping control of the car.  And that it would have been better if she hit me.  Nice to know risking injury to my family is the only way to get my car fixed. 

    sad, but true. I've heard that before...


  • It's very frustrating.  The woman admitted "I didn't even see you coming.  My cousin sued in small claims or something to get his car fixed under the same circumstances.  I didn't get it.  Now I see why.  I guess we'll be riding around with half a bumper for a while until we get some cash together.

    Diagnosed with PCOS June 2004 Abby born 2/2007 and Ally 3/2009 imagehttp://Life In
  • I finally got a look at my car after all of the Snowpocalypse garbage. The people I hired to clean out my parking space gouged the crap out of my roof and the driver side of my car. I am praying that most of it comes out with buffing compound.

    My car is only 18 months old. Angry

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • I wish MIL would quit finding THE MOST ANNOYING toys.ever. She got DS a Furby (I'm guessing she had one from before?) and it never shuts up and the voice on it is sooo obnoxious. DS was very excited about it and HAD to bring it home, but it is going back and not coming home again! He can keep it at her house! Ugh...
    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
  • I am home today with the stupid stomach virus that has been going through my house.  My DH had to do an errand and I asked him to get me some gingerale and gatorade.  Instead, he decided to go to home depot and then to visit a friend and forgot my drinks.  I was pissed.  He shouldn't have been out driving around town visiting people when his wife is at home struggling not to vomit while taking care of their two kids!  Now he just left for a few hours to return something over an hour away, which needs to be done.  I mentioned he should take the kids, he said he'd take one.  Great, thanks a bunch, never mind.  I'll just try not to get my vomit on them while I take care of them thanks.

    I'm cranky...

  • I got so upset this morning when SO looked at me and said "rough night?" Masons been up with a cold the past 3 days and I think ive slept maybe 2 hours a night. Something about that statement just boiled my blood. Im holding a grudge for some reaosn and wont answer his phone calls.

    Also, he was nice and made V-day dinner last night, but left the mess for me to clean up. Awesome.

  • Im starting to get annoyed that mil (who complains that she never gets cards and gifts--big fat lie), has not even acknowledged the valentines cards the boys made for her. I sent them out the first week in feb! Wtf?! It would have taken you two min to call and thank the kids, making them feel special. Its always all about her! The sh&$ gets old woman! So being the evil dil that I am, I posted on her FB wall asking if she liked the cards from her grandsons! Crappy and petty I know-- but I wanted to make a point that everything isnt always about her and sil's kids all the time! Stupid vent, but now I feel better?
  • I wish my co-worker would stop using speaker phone.  Every phone call is on speaker phone (person and work related).  Do I really need to hear about your bleeding a$$ problems and what your doctor is telling you to do?  Or hear you fight with you mother because they moved her dentist appointment to a later time? 

    Seriously... just pick up the phone and use it the old fashioned way!

    Oh - and if she's using her cell phone, odds are that is on speaker, too!

    Delaney Grace - 6/29/06
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