I voted a week or more early because that is true; however, it was due to an emergency c/s so it was early but not because I was in labor or anything (it was due to lack of movement and failing all the tests to get him to move so he had to come out right away).
I clicked a week or more early but I was given the 17p injections because #1 was preterm so without those shots who knows when #2 would have come...early nonetheless though.
I had a planned c-section at 39 weeks due to complications with #1. Preterm labor started at 36 weeks and an amino determined that her lungs were not developed enough so I was sent home on very strict bedrest so we could avoid a second NICU stay (DD#1 spent a week in the NICU for different reasons). I was off bedrest at 38 weeks and spent a week walking around with mild contractions but never enough to head to L&D for an early c-section. Walked into L&D as planned, in active labor and had a c-section and all was great!.
I voted for a week or more early even tho I'm a few days yet to go. I was induced at 39 weeks with #1 and will be induced again at 39 weeks with #2 (which is MONDAY....hooray!!!!). Both times are due to blood clotting meds that I'm on.
Re: Clicky Poll: With # 2 did you go...