Eco-Friendly Family

Random Valentine's Day Musings. Post Your's!

I don't know why men in the media detest Valentine's Day so much.  You buy her flowers, give her a mushy card, be sweet and kind, and in return you get hold-on-to-the-headboard sex.  Or at least that's the way it works when you're single.  Once you're married, she'll want to snuggle.  If you are patient with the snuggling, you'll probably still get great sex.

Why is Italian considered romantic food?  Is it because of Lady & the Tramp?

And, for the record, I'm wearing my red wool dress I made for the very first time.  If I remember, I'll have Mr Lucky take a pic.


What do you all have????


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Re: Random Valentine's Day Musings. Post Your's!

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    Why do single people feel badly about themselves on Valentine's Day? Even people who have no problem NOT being in a relationship somehow second-guess themselves come V Day.

    To me, nothing could say, "I didn't think about you at all" more than some flowers that stink like chemicals and a box of chocolates purchased specifically for that day. Blech.

    Weirdest V Day gift I've gotten (due to the circumstances): I had been dating a guy for less than 2 months in college. He bought me pajamas: a cami with matching pj pants. I then found out that he had a VS credit card that he "signed up for when he was buying his mom some perfume." Does it surprise you that two years later I found out he was cheating on me?

    My husband took over the wallpaper removal for me today.

    Despite all that hate of V Day, I wore a pink/white/red scarf today and a white coat to look festive.

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    I've never been a fan of V-day for various reasons, but today's has been extra wonderful. DS keeps crawling up to me and attacking my face with "kisses". Smile
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    i bought myself some chocolate for valentines day.  it's already gone.  that's all i got!
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    I don't understand how people can dislike V-day.  I get the not liking commercialism and fancy un-needed presents.  I get the not using V-day to replace love every day.  But I think the world can use a little more love.  So I'm totally down with a day that allows me to express that to random people without those people assuming I'm drunk.

    I'm also down with it being the one day of the year where it's OK to mix pink & red.

    And I like chocolate.  Especially pre-breakfast.

    And, if you do dislike V-day, that will only make me squeeze you tighter and tell you how much I love you.  So be wary, folks.

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    DH and I were talking about getting flowers at work today. I theorized that most women want to receive flowers (or a gift), but especially at work, so others know that someone loves them. This is only a theory, but I think it has some merit. BTW, I got flowers and LOVE them, but he gave them to me this morning. He got a clean house from a wife who is finally off of bedrest. We are equally thrilled.
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    Why do Valentine's Day decorations have to be so tacky?  I'm very tired of red/pink hearts all over the place.  I was super happy to see Easter things in the store.  Anything other than hearts.

    DH got off lucky this year since he's not even in town.

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    The best V Day-in-school observations:

    High school counselors HATE when Valentine's falls on a school day, because their offices get overrun by traumatized girls who either A) didn't get a gift, B)didn't get the gift they wanted, C) got broken up with, or D) are just drama queens who can't stand not having a bf.

    School secretaries hate having to corral balloons and flowers all day long.

    Teachers somehow find the ugliest sweaters to wear.


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    i'm not a fan of valentine's day, but i've had a great day.  we had donuts for breakfast, stayed in pj's until noon, snuggled and watched chick flicks, and he's making steaks and hot crash 'tatos for dinner.  no gifts, but a great day.

    i love the fact that even though we don't technically have 'cable', they left us with Lifetime and Bravo so I can still indulge in chick flicks.

     dunkin donuts coolattas are nowhere near as good as sbux frappuccinos 


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    One more - tomorrow is one of the BEST days of the year.  Because V-day candy will be 50% off!
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    One more - tomorrow is one of the BEST days of the year.  Because V-day candy will be 50% off!

    I know!

    (it's those damn gummy thingies.)


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