did you feel done while pregnant?
Not in a "OMG I'm exhausted and never doing this again," way, but in a "my family is complete" way.
It's odd, b/c I always thought I would want more than 2 kids, but I just feel like once this baby is here, our family will be complete. I've been feeling like that a lot.
We're not making any permanent decisions any time soon (we're both 28), but I just didn't expect it and wondered if others felt the same way?
Re: If you're finished having kids...
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
Exactly this. I couldn't be paid to have more, I am done.
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
I told my doctor at one of my first prenatal appointments that I wanted my tubes tied during the c-section. I felt a little bad like it made it seem like we didn't want the baby that was on the way, but that totally wasn't true. We just both felt like two was perfect for us.
Nope, but I think it is because I would like to have another but won't. We knew going into the second pregnancy that it would be our last. I felt that I was 100% done and when I found out we were having another girl I started down the "what if we have one more..." because I know DH would LOVE to have a son.
Financially it would be a terrible move. And I don't think I can emotionally handle 3 kids. But, I think I will always feel like I want to be pregnant again. Not a terrible yearning to have a child like I had when TTC #2, but just a thought about having another.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
I guess I hit enter too fast! I spent the first 18 weeks of my pregnancy having internal panic attacks. I was complete terrified that something was going to go wrong, and I don't mean like a disability. DD was not a big baby, and I think that as a result I never really felt her move alot. Once I knew she was actually moving on there I relaxed.
Also, I will admit that if she had been a boy I would have had another. We are an all boy family with the exception of dd. I would have felt almost obligated.
Hmm, thanks, ladies!
I guess it's just odd to me b/c I did not expect to feel this way AT ALL. I've always wanted to have 3-4 kids, and it's not the exhaustion or m/s making me feel this way. I just feel totally at peace with this being my last pregnancy. It's bizarre to me since I thought I wanted more kids.
And I really feel like it's odd since I have no idea what we're having - I thought I would really want a girl, but even if we have 2 boys, I feel really happy about that.
It's all very peaceful and zen for me, which is so.not.me, which is probably why it's making me wonder. LOL.
Sigh. It's no secret that Dave went and got snipped when B was only 5 months old. We had always said we'd have two, and I had a GREAT pregnancy, etc. etc. etc., but those first few weeks were SO HARD, and I was SO sleep deprived, etc. and nobody told me that it was normal and would ge better . . . so Dave (who had been on the fence about two anyway because I'm a twin and we DON'T want three!) asked me whether he should just go and get snipped. I signed the consent and it was done.
It wasn't until maybe six months ago that I started to think we'd acted too hastily. I mean, financially and for all practical reasons, we made the right choice . . . but emotionally? I'm just not sure I feel done.
I felt done while being pregnant. Totally done. Then about 4-5 months after my second I really wanted a 3rd. I had a tubal so I knew its wasn't possible. Plus the circumstances were I could only have 2 anyway.
But just yesterday I was watching the two of them together and it felt totally complete. I'm so ok with the 2 of them. Three wouldn't be right for me.
Doesn't everyone feel that way while pregnant? j/k
I really felt that way when I brought little B home. I remember it so clearly, and considering I was all doped up, that's something. But we put him down in the foyer and the sun was shining in and I took a few steps back to soak it all in. And Jonathan walked right up to him, Benjamin let out a wail and Jonathan smacked him in the head because "he was cryin'" and I knew then that our family was totally complete.
I laughed the whole time (probably the drugs) but everyone else was so concerned. Meh, infants have hard heads.
Me with my littlest.
I did while I was pregnant with Jacob and still feel that way for the most part, except now I am a bit sad I will never get a BFP, have a baby/newborn again...
I have until 2/26 to decided about my tubal
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
I felt that way when I was pregnant. And even probably until DS2 was 9-10 months old. I just felt at peace with our family and couldn't imagine it getting any better by adding another child. Buuuuuut, now we're definitely considering #3 seriously again. We always said 3 and would consider foster care and/or adoption after that.
I'm convinced we'll have another boy and am excited about having a whole brood of dudes in my house, so it's not about trying for a girl (though I'd love to have a daughter). I just don't feel done yet.
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005