I have a friend who does not have children that is going to pick him up in the morning, weather permitted, he bite John Michael tonight, did not break the skin but left a mark on his arm. He has not been aggressive at all or even growled at him. All JM did was try to move a pillow that was beside max. I was sitting right there, the children did nothing to provoke him in my opinion. I am sad because I really wanted a dog and he seemed so sweet and perfect for us. But my kids come first, I can not take the risk of him hurting one of the badly.
Re: Well Max has to go
Is it possible at all that the dog was trying to grab the pillow and his arm got in the way? We've had incidents like that in our house. I would be playing with the dogs, they would try to grab the toy, miss, and get my hand.
Do you have any background on the dog?