I started with two boppies and had 3 covers, but didn't use the third one until I got a naked boppy at a consignment sale a few months later. What I found to be more useful was to but a white bath towel over the Boppy when I was feeding or when the girls were laying there. Not only is it a lot easier to take the towels up and wash them, it makes a better background for pictures. :-) I think we got a 12 pack of bath towels at Costco for something rather reasonable.
2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
I have four covers, but 3 would probably be enough. I wind up doing laundry every day or every other day but having extra covers is a huge help esp when the babies spit up or have a diaper blow out.
we just have one cover for each. i usually drape a burp cloth over each when doing feedings in them, and definitely did when bfing. we do baby laundry every day, so if they need a wash, no biggie.
Re: Boppy covers - how many?
For my singleton I only had 2. I was doing laundry so much that I didn't really need more than that because I always had a clean one.
So I am guessing 2 for each this time.
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
I had 2 boppies and 3 covers. It was never an issue. I would just do laundry right away or if I needed to, went without a boppy for a little while