LOL I just had to mope about for a few days and mourn this cycle. DH instituted sex shortly after AF had disappeared and I was so excited thinking he was on board. Then, his stomach started churning and he quit. I let it go and decided to just play it cool. I tried initiating when it was time - no pressure at all, but it was no good.
Here are the excuses this month: DH just recently got a promotion and has felt a lot of pressure, we are buying a (new to us) home and his dad has found cancer on his lip (he's a smoker) and his radiation starts soon. These are all stressful situations for anyone, but for my husband, they are beyond his coping mechanisms.
I told him the other day that if he wanted to wait until after we moved, then that would be ok. He still maintains that he wants to ttc. This is completely irritating to me. Why can't he just be honest with me? I've been dealing with this every single month for 4 years (to be honest, there have been a few months here and there that I decided not to push) and it's such a let down each month when AF comes to visit, but it's even worse when I know she's coming and there's no hope.
Sorry this is long. I am a long winded girl.
Re: I guess I'm back!
I hope it all works out for you both - on all fronts. Your H has a lot on his plate and I'm sure he doesn't realize the pressure that we put upon ourselves as women, when TTC+35.
Maybe a reminder from someone other than you (a doctor, perhaps?) that time is not on our/your side when we're over 35? If you've been trying that long, I'm sure that noise I hear in Florida is your biological clock ticking!! Just a thought - I know my DH responds more if he hears it from someone other than me, especially if I sound like a broken record on some things.
Hang in there. Take him for his word and just support him through all of the other obstacles. I'm thinking of you!
I'm sorry for everything.
Dealing with a parent who has cancer is stressful even if you don't feel the full brunt of the stress. It really sucks and I'm sorry that you and your family are going through that. I wish your FIL well.
When are you moving? Is it soon? Maybe you should just wait until after...IDK, it's frustrating when you husband says one thing but his actions say another.
I am zero help!
Yes,I'm smiling...I'm a marathoner!
Bloggy McBloggerson
CO Nestie Award Winner-Prettiest Brain-Back to Back!
2011 Bests
5K-22:49 10K-47:38 Half Mary-1:51:50
2012 Race Report
1/1-New Year's 5K-22:11
2/11-Sweetheart Classic 4-mile-29:49
3/24-Coulee Chase 5K-21:40
5/6-Colorado Marathon-4:08:30
5/28-Bolder Boulder 10K
Thank you ladies. I am so grateful for all of the support I've received here. I probably sound like a broken record but DH just drives me crazy with his inability to commit to anything. I should have known since it took 9 years to marry me and move out of his parent's house. LOL
I have a lot of faith in God, I just don't have much faith in DH to know that it really is time to get going with this.