I have to know if anyone else is, or has gone through this with their twins. I was so happy when my morning sickness went away, I knew from my other singletons that energy was now here. That has not been the case this time around. I cannot function unless I have at least 13 hours of sleep every night. When I told my OB about this, he had my iron levels tested again to see if that was the problem. This time my levels are 9.9, before on my first appointment with him in November it was somewhere in the 10's. The thing is I don't feel more tired than before, it is still the same tired feeling. I have tried everything I could think of to help raise my energy just a little, but nothing seems to help. I would like to be able to have a clean house for more than one day. Right now it seems I can only do it once a week and by then it's overwhelming, ahhhhhhhh!
Re: I love me some sleep!