
S#IT!! Bunk beds arrived today...broken pieces.

So I took today off because the shipping date was changed to yesterday.  Dh went to my moms to pick them up (we live in a townhouse and werent sure we would be here when they arrived.  This was las tweek before the snow and knowing dh would be home due to school being cancelled) 

Anyways.  He borrowed a friends truck and another friend came to help put them together.  They drove to my moms and carried them upstairs to start assembly.  Dh noticed some of the boxes (3 out of 6) were pretty beat up.  Then dh opened one and 2 pieces were broken.  :(  

He was p!$$ed and called Customer service.  Poor lady on the phone.  DH has a short fuse.  He wasnt too harsh but was really short.  After a few mins he calmed down though.  

Anyways, he got them to refund 10% (about $75) and FedEx will be here tomorrow morning first thing to pick it up.  The new one shipped today. I think they said it will be here Tuesday.  I hope so.  Im off Monday and Wednesday.  

It still just sucks.  The girls were so upset that they werent getting their new bed today.  They just dont understand (well, it doesnt make them feel any better) that its broken and a new "new" bed will be here next week.  Poor things took their nap on their new mattresses I got with their bunk beds.  (well, it was a special and came with 2 free mattresses)  


Re: S#IT!! Bunk beds arrived today...broken pieces.

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