Sometimes I cry when I see homeless people.
I see them every day- they're everywhere here, and living downtown, you practically step on them or at least step in their pee everywhere you go-
but when they look even the slightest bit sad- I cry.
I really feel like nobody chooses to be homeless, and it bums me out when people say that they're just lazy, or drug addicted and that they don't help themselves because they'd rather not.
They're mostly mentally ill, I think- and my god- if I had no home or family, I would probably drink myself to sleep in an alley too! If they can't get medication that they need- they'll have to self medicate and 2 buck chuck is available to all in this great country!
I wish I could really do something to make some kind of difference. My husband makes fun of me all the time for being a hobo sympathizer.
Re: Confession that will make me look like a real bleeding heart....
I actually also get very sad about homeless folks. It's shocking considering I am rather cold hearted, but it's something that has always gotten to me.
It just seems that it's something that is almost impossible to overcome. Without a home/place to live, you can't get a job.
I totally agree. I'm usually a heartlessbitch, but I have a soft spot for homeless people and fat kids. Seriously, I've thought a lot about them (the homeless) during the recent blizzards in the DC/Metro area. They're everywhere in DC, and I just pray that there were enough shelters, churches, etc. to take them all in.
I gave my lunch away to a homeless man yesterday.
I normally have a negative attitude towards them in my area. There have been several people caught lying (pretending to be homeless). But for some reason yesterday, this one guy made me feel really sad, and I had my lunch right there on the seat next to me. So I opened my window and gave it to him.